Monday, 11 October 2021

When The Circus Comes To Town

I have seen photos doing the rounds on social media of the recent (and past) Scottish independence march(s) and many of the participating folk certainly appear to be colourful characters to say the least! Many would not seem out of place at a Lord of the Rings cosplay. I sometimes wonder what is going through their heads when they paint their faces blue to look like that Aussie actor in that historically inaccurate movie and fasten on their Chinese manufactured kilts, the one thing that I can safely say that’s not going on him their heads in logical sense based on widely available facts … but it’s all good fun I’m sure, as long as they were not to carry that craziness into the voting booth but sadly that is not the case.

To paraphrase a clinical psychologist’s view , these folk have serious issues that they are avoiding so they adopt pseudo moralistic stances on large scale social issues in the attempt to make themselves look good to their mates.

In this case it’s shouting out that all of Scotland’s woes are Westminster’s fault and Independence will solve everything, overlooking the fact that what is already devolved is failing and being ran down at an alarming rate by a Scottish Government who already have many of these so called “levers of power” but choose not to use them as they’d rather mouth off about Westminster and a conservative government which deflect from the scrutiny of their own failings and greed, also adding their corruption which on inspection has overtaken anything they can accuse Westminster of! 

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