Sunday 3 May 2020

Scotland's Shame

Scottish Independence is dead in the water, it’s time for everyone to wake up and put a stop to Sturgeon’s harpy rasping about it which can only now be used as a smokescreen to keep the focus away from her party’s mismanagement of Scotland for over the past decade and also she will continue to thump that tartan tambourine in the attempt to keep the Nationalists voting for her in misguided belief that the Shortbread Senate can still snip its ties with the rest of the UK and live in a Braveheart utopia where the rivers run whisky and little kilt wearing haggis scoot merrily around heather clad Ochil hills under permanent sunshine and blue sky with saltire shaped clouds, oh, and not to forget oil selling for over $100 a barrel…. All a tartan fantasy akin more to Willie Wonka than William Wallace.

If Scotland had been independent in 2008, it would have been unable to bail out the Scottish banks.

Remember the promises of the White Paper? The SNP promises in 2014 turned out to be not worth the paper they were written on. Have a look at the oil process now! It matters little if it’s Scotland’s oil or not as the cost of extracting it is likely to remain higher than it is worth.

If Scotland had become independent in 2014, it would be unable now to bail out the Scottish economy troubles we are sure to face once this Lock Down has ended. Remember leading up to the referendum in 2014 the SNP’s position was it would continue using the pound which would mean Scotland would be separate from the rest of the UK but still relying upon the rest of the UK to be it’s central back controlling its currency so under the current Corona Virus crisis who would have bailed out Scotland by giving its businesses money? The British treasury would have no obligation to lend anything to businesses in Scotland.

Now Rishi Sunak has put the vinegar stroke to end any hopes there could possibly be left for Scottish nationalism. A huge number of Scottish businesses and individuals are going to have to accept large loans from the British Treasury. Scotland may not be able to pay off these debts for many years. But if Scotland decided to become independent the question of debt would be of huge importance for any divorce settlement with the rest of the UK. Each of us here is Scotland has a share of Britain’s national debt which is just going to increase by an enormous amount. Plus, many of us will have mortgages and now with Corona debts which all will be denominated in Pounds Sterling. Just as Greece could not leave the Eurozone without defaulting, so too Scotland could not leave the Poundzone without defaulting.

But we know the Nationalists will still be pumping their gums about wanting Scottish Independent.  There groups on social media supporting Scottish Indy are still peddling their fact news but unable to provide any facts or evidence. One of my fav Indy Sheep literature sites is the ironically names “I Was One of The 1,617,989 Proud Scots” meaning they voted YES for Scottish independence in 2014 but what exactly are they proud of? Are they proud at we would be a bankrupt nation by now if the Yes vote succeeded in 2014? More people here in Scotland would be dying, businesses would be closing and we would have someone in power basically like a president of Scotland who by his own admission in court (when faced with rape and multiple sexual assault charges) used Bute House (Scotland’s equivalent of Downing street) to try to seduce woman working under him. (The fact Alex Salmond was found innocent of these rape and sexual charges are questionable in many opinions especially considering how many victims came forward)  is all this something to be proud of as being a member of this Facebook community would suggest?

There is also secrecy at the heart of the Scottish Government. SNP politicians and even ordinary members are told that they may not voice any criticism of the SNP. For the most part they don’t need to be told this. They would not criticise it anyway. It’s the fan with the voters of this vile party, its like they are blind to the harm over the past decade that the SNP have done to our country (or the fact that the party their support were siding with the Nazis during the second world war) and it you attempt to debate with them soon you will realise they have no grasp of the economy and only have provide lies of ill thought out theories) Some even unfriend me on social media rather than to debate ….that is how strong their conviction is…non-existent and living in a fantasy.

The SNP is a single-issue party that doesn’t really care about anything other than Scottish independence, they choose politicians because of loyalty and devotion to this cause and they also choose everything else on this basis to Scotland’s detriment.

The first instinct of the SNP is to blame someone else for everything that goes wrong in Scotland. The SNP and their supporters universally fail to take responsibility for anything. When something goes wrong, they are inclined to first bury it, second keep silent about it and if that doesn’t work blame Westminster…’s in their DNA to do this.

This happened recently when Sturgeon’s insistence on giving Catherine Calderwood the role of being Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer during this pandemic instead of a much more qualified epidemiologist Professor Hugh Pennington who is a emeritus professor of bacteriology at the University of Aberdeen worked out well did it not?

 She chose a gynaecologist without a scientific background who supports Scottish Independence over an expert in viruses as he is a vocal critic of the SNP.

 So now Catherine Calderwood, who has been travelling to visiting her second home twice with her family then going to the beach together with their dogs despite giving the Nation advice about staying at home has had to quit the role .... Always important to get the right person for the job Nicola isn’t it?

Nicola Sturgeon once said “Judge me on my education record” so how exactly are we to do that now I wonder as the SNP have delayed the publication of the Education Review until after June 2021, a review they were forced to conduct by the opposition parties, the results of which now will not be made public until at least a month after the Scottish elections in May in which they are looking to get re-elected.

 I know things are a bit upside down just now due to the pandemic but to publish such a report online does not take much resource, especially since Sturgeon also once said that Education was her priority..... Apparently not! 

I really wish people would wake up to this shower of idiots and use democracy to get them out of power then save Scotland from the disaster which is the SNP and their obsession with independence.

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