Sunday 24 May 2020

Presumed GUILTY...the online trial of Cummings

Unless you live in a cave (in which case well done you, you have embraced the lockdown and have taken isolation to a new level) you will know about Boris Johnson’s chief aide Dominic Cummings who drove 260 miles from his London home to his parents' estate in County Durham at the height of restrictions in March. His reason being he was taking his vulnerable 4 year old son to he looked after there by his family as he feared he and his wife would soon be incapacitated with the Corona virus (having worked close proximity to Boris around the time he tested positive the likelihood Cummings would have it too was very high)

So now many are screaming for the sacking of Dominic Cummings (also in effect supporting a mad Maoist intrusive regulation of personal lives, by howling for its enforcement and encourage the activities of informers and who think it right to denounce neighbours to the police but let’s overlook that part)

What I do find it fascinating that there are so many people on social media appear to be budding amateur Atticus Finches (as in To Kill a Mockingbird) or legal experts for the “Facebook” prosecution but let’s have a wee look at the facts firstly in law....

The actual Government regulations for Isolation.

Under reg. 6(1) to leave the house whenever we had a “reasonable excuse”

Now check out 6(2), in specific (d) “to provide care and assistance to a vulnerable person”  (in Cumming’s case ...his 4 year old child)

Now the law often prioritises the needs of children so let’s also have a wee look at 6(2)(j) which allows a child from separated households to travel between them.

Now let’s also seek a little clarification from the Governments public statements as It is true to note the deputy chief medical officer on 24 March was asked a question relating to small children and answered “clearly if you have adults unable to look after a small child, that is an exceptional circumstance.”

What I would certainly call an “exception circumstance”  would be two parents leaving their home with a vulnerable young child to get childcare in the likelihood of both parents being ill with the virus (which went on to hospitalise the boss of the man in question, Boris)

Now as for Moral reasons.....

Protecting one’s family is what any good parent does. and as such it is wholly appropriate under the guideline to do so so is lawful but morally if I was in the same circumstances with my child being 4 years old and with concerns for his care and health ... well firstly I would not hesitate braking any laws (in his case Cummings did not) and if any  one flicked their noses at my decision to put my child first or this there followed a orgy of online prurience my response would be “go fuck yourself”  but hey ... I’m old fashioned that way thinking that the heath of a small child is more important than what the curtain twitchers and self-appointed morality police think.


So what’s people’s faux fury at this?

Well with the Scottish nationalists it’s clear.... they will use the comparison of Nicola Sturgeon’s Chief Medical Officer who was found to have breached guidelines by nipping off to her holiday home in Fife, twice. So going to your holiday home is comparable with taking a 4 year old child to safety .... awww you caring tartan clad blue faced bunch.

Or perhaps you have the “Tory hatred fury” in you (very prominent with the above group)....a cure to this sickness would be two servings of “educate yourself”, I prescribe my blog entry “Why I will be voting Conservative 2019” from 28th November 2019

Or perhaps you are just looking for opportunity to punish Cummings for leading the campaign in 2016 that the majority of the British people supported and democratically voted for.

Personally I was a remainer and Cummings pissed me off immensely but what pisses me off now is this politically driven witch-hunt and hatred of a man’s action to do what is best in the interests of the health of his 4 year old child.


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