Friday 5 April 2019

Untolerated voices against the prevailing orthodoxy

Bernt Herlitz is a Dentist from the Swedish island of Gotland. He was given the task of analyzing the teeth of “unaccompanied children” migrants who started to arrive in Sweden. It turned out that wisdom teeth of the ‘children’ were fully grown in 80 percent of cases, a sign clearly showing that Herlitz’ patients were far from being underage were actually young men. “If you have an X-ray you can easily see that the person is over or under 18 years old. About 80 percent were grown-ups,” he said.

Herlitz shared his concerns with an immigration officer who advised him to file a report about his findings. Yet the reaction from his employers was not so bright – they fired him, arguing he'd “violated medical confidentiality”

The dental hygienist then sued his employers and won damages. But the Region of Gotland appealed to the highest  court in Stockholm and hired one of Sweden’s top-ranking lawyers “to crush” him. He lost his case and also admitted “economically bankrupted him and his family.” The honest and respected dentist, who had worked in the sector for 10 years, was fined some 475,000 kroner (about £60,000).

Experienced psychologist  Dr Kenneth Zucker  headed up CAMH’s Family Gender Identity Clinic for more than 30 years  and  has many times been cited as the leading authority on gender dysphoria in children.  His 40 years’ experience and research had led him to the conclusion that affirming a child’s perceived gender can be counterproductive and believed many urgent and unanswered clinical and theoretical questions – has been “poisoned by politics”, basically ideology before evidence and children were being given treatment both hormonal and surgically to “change” their gender before the physiological aspects has been address fully first.   He was removed from his clinic in Toronto after being accused of ‘transphobia’

I have recently been introduced to a novelist called Milan Kundera who newly celebrated his 90th birthday.   One of his books has particularly taken my interest, a work of fiction called “The Joke”

Published in 1967, it concerns the fate of a student called Ludvik Jahn, who falls foul of the communist authorities when he makes an inappropriate joke. On a postcard he writes then posts  off to his girlfriend, who is at a Communist party training camp, he writes: ‘Optimism is the opium of the people! A healthy atmosphere stinks of stupidity! Long live Trotsky!’ When this is communicated to party officials back in Prague, he is dismissed from his post at the students’ union and then kicked out of his university.

The point I am trying to make is about the intolerance of “politically incorrect” views and how what now seems to be a totalitarian mindset attempts to cloak itself in the mask of “Progressive Liberalism” and dare I say it? Ironically free speech which if that its only “free speech” if they agree with you but if not then it’s hate and bigotry so watch your back!!!

   The Kundera novel is fiction but the other two examples I provided prior are not!!

Always be wary if the feelings you express are at odds with the prevailing orthodoxy, especially if you voice them, right a report, twitter or facebook them or in Ludvik’s case…write them on a post card for anyone to read during the delivery  period of publicly visible…….or of course …if you write on a BLOG

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