Thursday 11 April 2019

Choose your Gender

We are living in a society where we can now identify as any form of victim we choose and liberals say we should be given support, regardless of the realities are. 

Not only this but now in this Brave New World we can we choose our gender from a list of my last count 71 (Facebook in America currently has 50 to choose from) and it’s becoming a prosecutable offence if others don’t pretend with us whatever gender we choose to be ....transgender, polygender, pangender, genderqueer, gender nonconforming, binary, non-binary, androgynous, cisgender ... blah blah blah...even my spell checker on my pc can’t keep up. 

But if you even imply for a second that somebody’s transitioning maybe due to a deeper underlying mental health issues which might be better resolved through counselling which to their detriment they are not receiving due to the currently liberal society’s fever for playing “let’s pretend” then you can be labelled as a “bigot” or “transphobic” or “polygenderpobic” or “agenderphobic” or....well you get the idea!! 

A headline I recently saw in a news article was “Transgender ‘female’ MMA fighter gives female opponent concussion, broken eye socket”  yes... now a guy who would get “bitchslapped” (excuse that expression) fighting another man in the ring (boxing or MMA) can change his name to Michelle Tyson or Coleen McGregor and beat the estrogentic shit out of a woman and not only will this monstrous spectacle be watched by a paying audience they will applaud his...sorry, I mean “her” victory too!!  Opposed to the police coming in and arresting a man beating up on a woman.  Where are the feminist gobshites yelling when a man pretending to be a woman beats up a real woman by ironically exercises these same equal rights once upon a time real feminists fought so hard for? 

I am almost tempted to step back in the ring myself and change my name to Dearne!! I can’t see the female heavyweight scene being that hard to conquer with some plodding wide “child bearing” hipped woman putting on the gloves ....surly a ex-boxer bloke becoming a trans woman heavy weight boxer in the woman’s heavy weight class would be a fast track formula to a championship belt and lots of money before “transitioning back to simple Dearn” to spend it 

... but then again ...perhaps some of these heavy hitters of the past will have the same idea soon and I could end up touching gloved with Veronika Klitschko... now that would not end well for me!!!! 

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