“We in Britain are entering a dangerous social condition in which the direct expression of opinions that conflict – or merely seem to conflict – with a narrow set of orthodoxies is instantly punished by a band of self-appointed vigilantes. We are being cowed into abject conformity around a dubious set of official doctrines and told to adopt a world view that we cannot examine for fear of being publicly humiliated by the censors. This world view might lead to a new and liberated social order; or it might lead to the social and spiritual destruction of our country. How shall we know, if we are too afraid to discuss it?” …..this statement was written by Roger Scruton who describes himself as a writer and a political philosopher (also once a wine critic for The New Statesman)
I find this statement so very true, there are words which have materialised over the last few years are by their very design are manufactured as a pejorative aimed at not only insulting their target but and also insulting anyone who will read or listen to the target. An example of these words are Islamophobe, Homophobe and Transphobe
Now I have been accused of being all of these ….and then some so I would like to take this opportunity to defend myself and thus perhaps hope for example an induvial may stop whistling “Spring time for Hitler in Germany” if I air my views conversationally when it moment merits i.e. not standing on a soapbox (or perhaps Iron Bru crate as being in Scotland) ….my soap box is my blog, it’s an optional read and if I don’t find the URL to my blog printed on a card displayed in your top pocket like the “little red book” there will not be consequences delivered by a Mao like regime.
My blog only has a handful and followers which are some faithful charitable friends, a couple of stalkers and some guys with Middle Eastern names which seen to be critics of my posts about Islam …hence I have my “comments” section blocked prior to approval which I very rarely check these days as the creative threats and justice summonses I receive in accordance to a certain book does get tiresome.
But hey, my blog has been viewed over 30’000 times so it does have some interest or people get lost too easily on an internet search. Viewed in Russia 4000 times and curiously by as “Unknown Region 507 times (could this be Narnia?) My most popular post was about a dental flossing machine (Waterpiking Oct 2013) with 3000 views so I guess that may say something about my audience.
Anyway…..if it pleases the court of social justice I would like to present my first defence which is against the accusation of being …..
Islamophobic ……A strange word indeed, when I first wrote if some years ago my spellchecker on the PC did not even recognise it, since then there has been a Microsoft Word update and not its recognised, a bit like the general public who now use it ….so what incorrectly.
A “Phobia” as described by the dictionary is an “irrational fear” ….my fear of the Ideology know as Islam is very rational and I wish the linguistic lazy would stop using this word. To understand my caution to this ideology I will make a comparison to the religion of Christianity (of which I as a critic too but not to the same extent) Christians in a liberal democracy such as is the UK have accepted that they must obey the secular rule of law; that there must be a separation of church and state. In Islamic doctrine such a separation has not occurred yet. This is what makes it dangerous! Islam.
The Koran is quite clear that it should control every area of life. If a Muslim chooses to obey only some of the Prophet’s commandments, he is only a partial Muslim. If he is a good Muslim, he will wish to establish Sharia law.
I would like to give an example of my fears, an example which I have not posted about before so I will use Muslim School (as is partly funded by the UK government) In some of these UK schools children as young as six had been taught that western women are ‘white prostitutes’.
There are textbooks being used in these schools written in. (from the Saudi ministry of education, incidentally) called Jews and Christians ‘apes and pigs!!
One question for anyone who considers this example of being Islamophobic ….It cant be disagreed the children at these Schools learn that Allah is the lawgiver, and that is a political statement. My question is would you allow the BNP to run a school?
Homophobe. Please read by previous posts on Islam and if you support Islam (also side with Palestine) and its treatment of gays then you are disgracefully against gays, woman’s rights and the freedom of speech and other western values which we take for granted. I am a straight guy who does not fear getting turned “queer” by a gay guy because it just won’t happen, perhaps it is your fantasy if you are calling me this but I like women and have never deviated from this desire, I don’t see this as a strength or a weakness…..it’s just the way I was born, If I found my son or any of my friends were gay it would not change any of the dynamics at all. I have some gay friends, I don’t go out drinking with them for the same reason I don’t go out drinking with my straight mates, I am just not such a social animal, I do enjoy being in their company when we meet at social events, I find (most) intelligent and articulate, some of my favourite authors are gay men such as Stephen Fry and Douglas Murry. I consider myself a Humanist and as such I value the ethics which emphasizes us all working for a peaceful and caring society and have no time for dogma or superstition.
Transphobe… again is Islam my worries of this is not an irrational fear. I can and do accept some people genuinely have been born into the wrong gender and as such these people need and deserve all or help and support especially when you consider in internal torment they must being going through….but these people are extremely rare and it’s the whole current “transgender agenda” that I am against. The life-changing medical intervention for children and teens that is being given without sufficient evidence of its long-term effects and the dismissal of symptom of much deeper underlying mental health issues in attempt to conform with pro-transgendering propaganda swallowed whole some social workers and teachers, parents and the “progressive” left. One day we will look back at these grotesque medical experiments and shudder.
I have posted before what I think about Trangender woman in sport and I stand by this. Also if you have had some “medical intervention” I will not consider you to be a woman just because you have had your ballsack turned inside out or whatever Frankenstein operation has been done…. Yet soon law will force me to play “lets pretend” with you too.
There…..I am none of the above but that will still not stop the linguistic lazy and the ignorant from using these pejorative term which are designed to silence all debate and opinions and also gives many of them an opportunity to practice their Virtue-Signaling.
I have seen before on the social media platform of Facebook that if some people does not agree with your political views ( my stance against Scottish Independence and critique against the SNP being an example) their will rather unfriend you, often after you question their post or meme.... this is because they lack the intelligence or can't justify what they say and you provide a problem to they... you become a virus to the potential number of brainless "likes" when may accumulate on their posting in their quest for attention seeking and need to feel like a social warrior or their veneer that they have something intelligent to say. They need an echo chamber of their social media platform, brainless nodding sheep followers because they can't answer difficult questions or defend what they post. They can't allow dissent as their narrow minds need to stay on the narrow strut they follow which is the path of least resistance ....a cowardly path which does not enable any inner growth.. a laziness far too common these days. I know that any self-growth I have had in due to questioning my own beliefs and thought, on more than one occasion I have found I have been wrong for years and its painful to admit and change path but you develop from such a revelation.
Bravo to people with opposing views to mine who remain friends and will argue the toss with me.... I believe I am right, they believe they are right (perhaps they are, or maybe I am.....I believe I am with all my force of mind and that's what I continue but I am open to new information)..... and we both have the balls to argue and debate our points. I respect that.