Friday 15 March 2019

Scottish Oil Fund Fudge

Due partly to the disastrous negotiations over Brexit the SNP are bleeding chum into the waters again in the attempts to cause a social feeding frenzy with the aid of their Pro-(Scottish)-Independence supporters (also to keep their needed support) which is also a time proven strategy to deflect from their mismanagement of Scotland over the past decade including their inability the cope with the devolved services they have taken from Westminster, recently most notably with welfare and benefits but still we hear their grievances from the Shortbread Senate confirming they are just a protest party and not once which can act. They certainly are happy to take credit when the fruit blossoms from the policies of previous administrations in Scotland but the that fruit does take a bruising when they pluck it aggressively and attempt to say it was their original idea, lies which the tartan tambourine thumpers eagerly swallow like a cheap porn actress in a POV scene despite all facts to the contrary.

The usual “revelations” and accusations are being made on Social media about how Scotland would be such a prosperous national if only it would cut its strings with the rest of the UK which they (Nationalists) accuse of stealing from this great national, placing us in chains and holding us back… answer to this is …WHAT A LOAD OF (Highland) BULLSHIT

The ‘Comparison to Norway” bit seems to be raising its dick again so I would just like to write a little bit about this comparison of apples to pears although I always thought it strange that Nationalists never compare Scotland with its Oil to Venezuela…. But hey, I guess when you are trying to win an argument against facts its ok to geographically cherry pick….The SNP had done it for years using more favourable statistics from the GERS reports and ignoring less favourable to paint their dishonest picture.

Anyway….the usual argument goes something like this (based on a true story)..…

“We've always had more oil than Norway , but they invested..
While Westminster wasted and sold off our our industry”

Well firstly I am not so sure that we always had more oil than Norway but what is more important is that our oil has been more than double the cost to extract compared to Norway.  The UK has the same market price fro Oil as Norway does but the cost of productions (and volumes) are different.
North Sea revenues are generated by taxing production profits now with the higher extraction costs in the UK and the incurring decommissioning costs there is just not the same (or anywhere near the same) profits to tax compared to Norway.

Now also if we could master the art of time travel, go back in the past to start an Oil Fund such as Norway has then it would mean we could never have spent the money we had made from oil, that should make sense…if you save you cant spend… what would be have to make savings on to enable us to start an oil fund to use for a rainy day?  Health care….the NHS? Good luck to any party who would suggest this!!  Health care is not free in Norway as it is in the UK. The roads and infrastructure in the UK, some of that would have to be erased and the butterfly effect that would cause if we could travel back in time and start putting that revenue into a Oil Fund.

Starting to see the picture?   Let’s not lower ourselves to engaged with comparisons when discussing Scottish Independence….. the Majority of Economists agree it would be a terrible thing and if it did happen in 2014 we would be up the proverbial shit river without a paddle just now…. And if the next argument is …”but we would still  be in the EU when the UK pulls out over BREXIT” then please read up on this more as I don’t have the patience or time to post more about this.  My arguments and other Unionists warning were said in 2013/14 and were since proven accurate…. I don’t want to crow that I was right….but…I’m crowing!!!

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