Wednesday, 8 September 2021

More Baloney from Blackford

 Gobshite Ian Blackford predictably pipes up with his “The Scottish will be dealing with another poll tax to deal with an English problem” in regards to Boris’s National Insurance payments hike, do people actually still fall for this Ethnic Nationalism rhetoric?

Spoiler …the answer is yes, the repugnancy of nationalist hate against the English in very thinly veiled within a certainly group, an impregnated ideology by a tartan face hugger called SNP and just like that scene from the movie Alien one day it’s going to burst out their belly into full blown ethnic Nationalism like we have read in the history books but have apparently never learnt our lesson from. 

Separatists in democracies are all the same, be they Scottish, Irish, Québécois, Basque, Catalan, et al: Beneath their alleged grievances is a fundamental bigotry against the majority designated as the oppressor and with this current party of freeloaders in the Shortbread Senate of Edinburgh grievances against the English are cultivated in aid to blur their own failings which, with the SNP, are legion. 

Lucky for us that English taxpayers dont reciprocated and take the same the attitude by not going to fund services in Scotland when we (Scotland) received billions during the pandemic to fund furlough and to help struggling businesses. 

The way taxation works is that money raised across the UK which includes money raised by National Insurance is divided according to the Barnett Formula so that it funds Scotland. What this means is that Scotland will get back rather more from the increase in National Insurance than we pay in…so perhaps the problem is that you’d rather have that money in your hand than in the Scottish Government’s mitts do decide what to do with it! Perfectly understandable considering their record on spending our money and as they will have no constraints whatsoever on spending this extra money coming north of the boarder it although it should be spent on health and social care they will soon fritter it away on pet projects … perhaps learning Afghanistan refugees Gaelic or redecorating it’s offices with tartan paint and EU flags.

The chat goes something like this…

The opposition-“Fund the NHS properly”

The Tories-“Ok. We’ll increase NI to fund it”

The Opposition -“Look at the Tories. They’re increasing taxes”

It's naive to expect the Government to pay out so much during the pandemic without us having to pay it back. Where do Governments get their revenues anyway? The bottomless penny wishing well or by shaking the money tree? 

It was not that long ago that we were being told that Boris will sell the NHS to Trump …since then he has invested more money into the NHS coffers than anyone PM previously… now he intends to fund even more into it …that’s the problem with people, they all like to think and pretend to be socialists until they get the bill then it’s “eh, doh, I never realised the money had to come from somewhere” 

What has the NHS done for the health service in Scotland? A read of my previous blog post should answer that question to some extent, for the care sector it’s most famous faux pas to date is sending untested covid patients back into care homes! 

What we should be looking at is if this extra funding going to improve the care sector and the NHS? Unfortunately I don’t think so, we can’t just deal with the problem by throwing money at it. In part it can be solved by better management and revisiting the procurement policies, in fact some may say that chucking more money at it encourages waste and mismanagement so makes the problem worse, but perhaps that’s a post for another day under another topic. 

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