Wednesday 4 November 2020

USA presidential elections

 My USA election predictions from October where as follows ....

“ With the American presidential elections looming a couple of weeks away on the 3rd of November I’d thought I’d go out on a limb here and give my predictions but not necessarily my endorsements. 

I believe Trump will win another term in office but if Biden does get in then I don’t believe he will serve a full term, if he does win then before his 4 years are up I believe his Vice President Kamala Harris will be taking over the reins perhaps using the 25th Amendment (which if Biden wins then the 25th Amendment will soon become a popular search in Google) 

If Biden does get in expect the states to re-enter the Paris agreement and and Iran Deal to be put together again.

But, as I have said... I think, admittedly possibly wrongly, that Trump will get back i, Biden I think does seem more appealing than Clinton was 4 years ago as he does not seem as far left as her as a Democrat candidate but then the voters across the pond may realise (as I also think) that vote Biden get Harris and that could scare them off especially after all the riots and “defund the police” protests across there and not forgetting the bad taste over China than lingers on.

So in summary ... my (uneducated) prediction is Trump wins or if I’m wrong and Biden gets in then Harris will eventually be the first woman American president by the triggering of the 25th amendment within Biden’s term. 

Whoever wins I just hope it’s the best man (or ultimately woman) for the job (I do also have my thoughts about this but don’t want to say) as it will have repercussions across here I’m the UK with various things that are happening here, also with Scotland”

As I paste what I previously wrote in October is social media the counting as began across the pond with Biden in the lead but still some swing states to be counted.

I will stand with what I said .... perhaps I was wrong about believing Trump will win... let’s see... I just hope the American people get who they voted for and hope for a peaceful fallout without any riots once the final counts are in.... these two hopes I doubt will come true unfortunately 

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