Wednesday 25 November 2020

Freebies bleeding us dry

 The Scottish government is now going to provide free sanitary products to woman, much trumpeted and heralded over the international media “oh what a progressive nation Scotland is” ..... well if only they were to look under the tartan veneer.

Appears every part of the body is now treated by the NHS except for teeth and eyes (is this the real meaning of “the body politics) other orifices are now being looked after my our kind and caring government, well perhaps I could recommend one for them to shove it!!

Incidentally I hear they are to be supplied to schools, colleges and universities..... considering the Scottish Governments previous failed plans to supply laptops to these said places I don’t hold out much hope but someone will certainly be creaming off the top of this plan.

A “free” product from the welfare state but actually the money comes from somewhere and this will be the generous tax payer, I have no problem for the government taking a chunk of our money to help the less well off in society but surely such money should be spent on treatments such as cancer medication some of which is not availability up here in Scotland on the NHS but still available south of the border in England. Sanitary products for woman are one of the cheapest products in the supermarkets, can’t help thinking the administration fees to implement this will cost more than the product alone, kinda like the free prescription for items such as ibuprofen which have cost (cost the NHS) over £4 in admin fees but can be bought for 60 pence in Tescos. 

And now it’s soon to become law in Scotland curtesy of our justice Minister Hamza Yousaf to accept that men bleed too despite what biology has proven to the contrary, and you potentially could go to jail under the forthcoming hate-speech laws he wants to bring into force in Scotland so if a “menstruating man” wants this freebie too then you will be breaking the law to say no. 

So next time the government wish to be so generous and offer something “free” perhaps they would like to consult the tax payers who actually pay for this “free” gift as perhaps we would prefer to see the money get spent of the lack of “free” medical treatment available up here in Scotland .... after all ... is Scotland we pay the highest taxes in the U.K., if it’s not baby boxes our money is getting spent on then it’s payments to Alex Salmond’s legal expenses due to the Scottish government’s ineptitude.

It appears that gradually Scottish people are put into the category of being dependant on the state for a natural function and paid for my the U.K. tax payer. Maybe one day (night), Nicola will legislate to tuck all people in so the government can guarantee a good night's sleep, I certainly feel my eyelids droop at that harpy voice of hers. 

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