Saturday 13 October 2018

Ineptocracy ....another failing of democracy

Ineptocracy” is a new word so you man not find it in the dictionary yet, as I write this even my spell checking is questioning it. It appears to have been created recently as a means to describe the nature of the democratic electoral process and its possibly result. Its definition is “A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.”

Anyone who believes himself to be a “net producer” will surely be pissed off at the idea he may well be living in an ineptocracy, as it means that he is in for a lifetime of being in the minority and will spend his life, to one degree or another, enslaved to the provision of goods to others who are “least likely to sustain themselves.” So basically working his arse off paying taxes which benefits the lazy who are quite happy to sit back on their excuses claiming benefits such as using public money for legal aid, getting allowances for a search for a job they never intend to achieve or pay for their methadone, perhaps even toward paying for housing for 3rd world (economic) refugees who have no tolerance for our way of life.

For some who reach this conclusion their first reaction (should be) is to say, let's change the system. But will ssoon recognise that this cannot be done by one person, so they instead join whatever group seems to have the most like-minded people as its members or voice their frustration on social media. But the facts are that those who hope to change the system to make it more equitable will not succeed, they don’t have change because those who are not net producers tend to be in the majority. Therefore, democratic change for the better, by definition, cannot take place. Thus a failing of the democratic process.

There are examples (in my opinion …I say that this is in my opinion so you don’t need to agree and I may not be very popular to say this but also please understand there are always exceptions to every rule so I am sure that if you are one of these electorate who voted for who I disagree with add value to society and give more that you sit on your arse and take….or maybe not) ..the examples in my book are voters of the SNP in Scotland, perhaps (I am not certain as its still new territory) voters of Brexit (I can almost sense hackles rising) Voters of Corbyn (remember it’s my blog my opinions) some may say Trump voters in America too but I am not so sure ( more hackles shooting up there ?) What is the cure for this failing of democracy you may ask? Well red my post from November last year titled “Democracy insult to the few but felt by the many” especially the part about John Stuart Mill thoughts on parliamentary reform who wrote ““If every ordinary unskilled labourer had one vote … a member of any profession requiring a long, accurate and systematic mental cultivation – a lawyer, a physician or surgeon, a clergyman of any denomination a literary man, an artist, a public functionary … ought to have six) I don’t agree with all of this statement, for example I would not give the Clergy any votes, and I would personally modify it so anyone unemployed for a certain length of time would not have any votes!! ….prisoners certainly none too no matter what human right they thing that may break!! Now don’t take this post too serious, I don’t want to come across as some crazy radical but it’s always food for thought ….or simply dismissed if you have even made it this far.

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