Saturday 20 October 2018

Che Guevara....not a selfless martyr

“a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate” …any idea who said that? Of course you do, as he is in the title of my post, its Che Guevara. The same Che who with the help of KGB agents , found and trained the secret police in Cuba who killed and tortured thousands and shared the same thoughts with Stalin that “individualism must disappear” Written above the door of the jail were just kids (including a friend of mine who was just a teenager at the time) where locked away were the words “work will make men out of you”…mmmmm…..remember these famous words above the gate of Auschwitz?

Quite comparable. As Stalin once said “death solves all problems, no man, no problem” Che certainly followed this advice, Che also used to sign some of his earlier letters “Stalin 2” This is the brave worshiped hero Che Guevara who before his death in Bolivia during what was one of this only tastes of real combat (don’t believe the shite he wrote in his own autobiography) gave orders to his guerrillas to fight to their last bullet and until their last breath and give no mercy but as his fighters were doing this he got slightly wounded, limped away from the fight, surrendered with a full clip in his pistol having never fired it and begged his captors “don’t shoot, I’m Che, I am worth more to you alive than dead”!!!! Writing in his published “Motorcycle diary” he claimed black people were “indolent, fanciful, spending their money on frivolity and drink” yet people including Iron Mike Tyson have his cowardly racist tattooed on their skin!!

Che even admitted to executing people, he boasted about it when addressing a U.N assembly in 1964 by saying “certainly we execute” Under the drive of Fidel and Che over 14,000 people (including woman and children) where executed by firing squad by the beginning of the 1970s, putting that in perspective of Cuba’s population that would be the equivalent of 3 million executions is the U.S.A!!!! On entering Havana when conducting executions Che’s direct order to his men was to pull 3 thousand books from the library, pile then on the bust street and set fire to them!!! Book burning, we all know which other regime did this. Commander Che also signed the death warrents to many authors and the secret police which he helped recruit and train hunted them through the streets.

 After Fidel and Che captured Havana Che moved into on of the biggest most luxurious houses there after throwing the occupying family out. Che’s newly acquired mansion had a yacht harbour, a swimming pool, sauna, massage salon and seven bathrooms, he was certainly living it up with the spoils of war, not exactly the humble, noble rough living hero the Che museum next to his massive mausoleum which I visited at the start of this year in Santa Clara, looking back I have to laugh at how it portrays “love affairs between a leader and his people” something which I naively believed in with the propaganda before going to Cuba, with his face painted on walls and legendary tales of valour but who could speak out the truth when the prospect of Castro’s torture chambers were a reality. How we watch these days on the news lefties, progressives and Antifa using Che as a symbol of rebellion and anti-imperialism, the posters, the tee-shirts, and black berets and some budding lefties with political aspirations even modelling their looks and personas on him. Ironic that their hero was a brutal executioner, coward and hypocrite, even he can be described as one of the first modern terrorists. Oh, and let’s not forget how his supported movement once in power in Cuba tortured and murdered thousand, criminalised gays and caused one of the biggest refugee (real refugees that is, people fleeing for their lifes) crisis of that time!!!!
It is crazy how many (I was not exempt from this naivety once upon a time until I took it upon myself to find out more) consider Che Guevara a hero and icon. Source material of this enduring fairy-tale mostly comes from his bestselling biographies and diaries which were published by the propaganda bureau of a totalitarian regime with the forward in these books written by Fidel Castro himself!!!

 The liberal media have a lot to answer for too, the final “battle” in the city of Santa Clara where “ Commander Che Guevara turned the tide in this bloody battle by whipping a force of 3000 of Batista’s men” was actually “fought” by bribing Batista’s commanders and the casualties on both sides did not exceed 5!!! During the 3 days of the Bay of Pigs invasion Che was 300 miles away, he did get a medal for being shot though, a bullet entered his chin and exited above his temple narrowly missing his brain….but the bullet came from his own pistol, negligent discharged….lol…what a clown. Before Castro and his beared rebels took control of Cuba it had a higher per capita income than Austria or Japan and the third highest protein intake in the world. Within a year of Castro’s control it was rationing food, closing factories and its most productive citizens were leaving in droves, yes ..the USA’s embargo has a lot to answer for but never the less, should the new established power in Cuba no hold some accountability? Che was appointed Cuba’s economic Minister, he responded by opening a forced labour camp and forcing Cuban’s to work at gunpoint. Now this is the man who’s poster is on many a student’s wall and the poster boy of many lefties who idolise him. I have seen the poverty in modern Cuba first hand, the people are lovely, warm and friendly there yet still they only criticise the Castro regime behind closed door. The poverty is terrible, my host across there queued for 4 hours to buy toilet paper for the guests in her “casa particular” Engineers and doctors leave their profession to become taxi drivers for the tourist as they earn more!! These days Cuban children recite each morning "We will be like Che."…. for their sake and the future of their country I really hope not.

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