Saturday 14 October 2017

European workers in the UK (Brexit post)

What will happen if it strains of Brexit means European workers decide to go home? At the last count, there are about 800,000 young people in the UK aged between 16 and 24 who were ‘not in education, employment or training’. I suspect that there are plenty more in this miserable category over the age of 24. Bear in mind that all politically important statistics are massaged in some way to conceal the ghastly truth so don’t paint a true picture. It is the jobs that such people used to do which are being done by migrants. As the liberal Left ceaselessly and rather stupidly point out, much of what goes on around us, from the NHS to the picking of fruit, restaurants, the care of the elderly (it was a “foreigner” who often cared for my Mum in the nursing home during her dementia and she was such a kind caring person I could never thank her enough) and the running of all those coffee shops, depends on migrant labour. BUT migrants don’t work for the NHS or Costa Coffee out of charity. They do it, perfectly reasonably, for money. Why don’t unemployed British people take more interest in these jobs? Why do many our nurses have to come from other countries? There are perhaps three reasons, which no government dares do anything about. The first is the collapse of the old-fashioned family in the UK, in which the young learned how to behave. This is worst among the poor. When I was a child I would never dream being cheeky to an adult, luckily I was brought up in a loving environment by (much older) parents who considered it their duty to learn me right from wrong, respect and good manners. Some children who have never known a father’s authority, have never shared a meal around a table, can barely read and who speak a sort of mumbled teen patois rather than English, are not going to be any employer’s dream. They only know a life in from of the TV with an Xbox, left alone in the house when they parent goes out clubbing only to return drunk and swearing and perhaps with a different man every weekend. Forcing them to apply for jobs they don’t really want, from employers who really don’t want them and who would much prefer someone from Spain, Italy, Portugal or Poland with a much better work ethic, and let’s be honest, in my experience people from such European are usually more skilled, family orientated and harder worker than UK folk and don’t need to get drunk to enjoy an evening. Then there is also our shameful state school system, whose teachers are often themselves ill-educated and recruited out of desperation from government schemes. The system strives in vain to teach an academic curriculum to young men and women who really need vocational instruction, because we cannot admit that not all boys and girls need or want the same sort of schools. At the end of this process, the victims are forced into debt to attend university courses far inferior to old-fashioned vocational training (and don’t dare be ignorant enough to think the old worn out SNP rhetoric that Uni is free in Scotland, you need to wake up to the reality on that one) Schools are guilty of teaching kids what to think and not how to think!!! And the third is our welfare system, which responds to failure and misbehaviour by indulging it – a policy which ends by using tax revenues to maintain the unemployables lifestyles beyond their just means…i.e. Sky tv, fags, holidays, drinks and other crap which are luxuries and should be used as an incentive to work. All these subjects are issues that ambitious career politicians should address but to do so, you would have to breach the modern taboos of sexism and egalitarianism. And you would have to do something even more heretical – argue that people are responsible for their own actions and lazy Brits to get of their arses and actually work but ohhh the sandal if anyone was to say this, and the army of media thought-police will come after anyone who says this out loud…it would be political suicide for a politician to say this. They are jobs out there still and plenty of them, I know people who have only been here from another county a few months and already they have found not one job to do but moved on from one to another when a better post arises, but lazy, fat UK citizens would rather sit on their arses and claim all they can with benefits, we now have generations in this county who have never worked a day in their life!!!!!! That’s shocking!!!!! It’s my opinion Brexit is a big mistake, we need migration here, we need foreigner workers, many of whom I have meet are in skilled intelligent professions and extremely talented putting UK professionals to shame, even the workers in less skilled jobs have a superior work ethic, if Brexit negotiations make it harder for Europeans to come here to work then who will take up these roles? The quality will plummet, the skills will plummet, even the lesser jobs, the standard will go down and the UK will become a poorer place. We need this diversity. I am against the mass migration of Muslims due to the intolerance of their ideology (yeah yeah….I can almost hear your ignorance now regarding my views upon this) but it’s not (certain) cultures and “foreigners” which don’t integrate, mix and enrich these shores, its Ideologies and Islamisation has no tolerance despite certain acts it may perform to work its deception and taqiyya (look it up) to get into power and public acceptance to further its cause. Brexit is not a good thing by any way and this is going to effect the UK very negatively if we lose out on European workers coming here to settle and work.

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