Monday 25 September 2017

Europe in its death throes

I would like to write a post about a very interesting and important book, I know I am covering a lot of book reviews in my Blog, I really don't want this to be considered as a book review blog but I do read a lot and books are a large part of my life, this is not only a book review but also me highlighting how our culture is slowing being taking from us, not only in the UK but all over Europe. I am against all religions and very vocally, you will perhaps know from a previous post that I consider Islam the very worst of all religions, its the mother lode of bad ideologies and you only need to read the news to see whats happening and how if be speak out to debate such bad ideologies any conversations are soon attempted to be closed by apologists, Islamic faithfuls and the plain stupid ignorant to who I include loony lefties (Jeremy Corbyn I now include as my faith in labour has dwindled dramatically over the past year) the world these people use is of course "Islamophobia" which is a nonsense word, but allow me to introduce you to another word...."Islamophile"which means someone who is not a Muslim but loves Muslims, Islam or the Islamic culture. Have you seen the marches where the LGBT people are holding placards up supporting "we welcome refugees" (well firstly these are not refugees as they have come to the west after already reaching safe countries and these people are mostly young Islamic men, granted there are some woman and chldrren, cultural hostages are better description...but I am not going to elaborate too much on this on this post) yet do these LGBT know how they would fair under the Sharia law if implemented here in the UK as the Islamic communities want, and they are gaining strength from waves of mass emigration and The Muslim Brotherhood are getting a gelling of Islam and "the state" through Labour led my Corbynites. How would LGBTs fair holding any public protest is Islamic countries such as the Arabic nations, Pakistan or Indonesia? he media is afraid to show any disrespect to Islam, when have you ever seen a documentary of how Mohammad came to power long ago and how the Islamic faith was spread? is there such a thing? The history is more recent than christianity which thousands of documentaries exist, and many make fun of christianity but never of Islam or on the few times they have then people have dies!!!! I am worried my views are sounding too "radical" these days and misunderstood but as a Secular Humanist my concerns are about fellow mankind regardless of race, creed or colour and how can I or anyone not have a view about this, we all need to speak out, when we don't this will continue to boil over and leave a vacuum for far rights and if history has ever taught us a lesson that is that we can never allow this to happen, if we don't face the problem and talk about it and debate then the Brown shirts will come out again and this is a fear as much as Europe becoming a future Caliphate and make no mistake.....this is where we are heading, down south Mohammad is already the most popular boys name statically. I am not against immigration as per say, we (Europe and the UK)need a certain level of diversity and cultures but we need a skilled intake and of cultures that can get on and tolerate each other, live side by side, tolerate genders, sexualities and the rights of people, yet what is seen in Islamic country are now seen here....acid attacks, honour killings, sex grooming by Muslim men who are protected by their own comumities. Crash barriers are being erected to stop cars mounting pavements and running people over!!!! These ARE uncomfortable facts. In The Strange Death of Europe Is by Douglas Murray (youtube him, a impressive debater) and the main objective of this post is to talk about his book but also some views here are my own with I want to bring attention to.
In The Strange Death of Europe, Douglas Murray argues that Europe is in its death throes. He reaches this conclusion by weaving together two arguments. First, there are too many migrants, especially of the wrong sort, entering Europe (Islam being oil on water assimilation). Secondly, they are coming at a time when Europe ‘has lost sight of what it is’. Hence, he argues, ‘the movement of millions of people into a guilty, jaded and dying culture’ cannot work. I feel this is a very important book for every one of us citizens of Europe to read (not even going to discuss the craziness of Brexit) No matter what part of Europe you were born in, or which part you chose to live or grown roots, there is an ingressing problem of mass migration and also of a culture here, a community formed by an ideology which is not tolerant of democracy. Its very difficult for anyone tackling subjects as contentious as immigration, identity and Islam (cue the idiots with their cries of Islamophobia and racist). And that is the relationship between cause and symptom. This book has also left a nasty taste in my mouth about the political party Labour especially under Corbyn and makes me think about something not in this book which is if he ever becomes prime minister how bad this will be, not even talking about Trident which I will not go into here but how for example women’s equality will go back years how the Labour party that counts the Muslim Brotherhood among its allies so will open channels for talks (again) over Sharia Law!!!...but I wander a bit Assimilation requires effort and determination from the host nation and the immigrant which in this case is Islamic Muslims with a culture that cannot assimilate with the west, not only the new waves of arrivals but the existing communities and even the “home born” Muslims, we have seen this although few will admit this and to deny it is to ignore it. The basic tenant is if you are a practicing Muslim (or engaged in that culture) then the pressure is on you to follow the Koran faithfully and please don’t defend this by attempting to contextualise the contents are you know fair well you are not allowed to (as Ayaan Hirsi Ali blunted pointed out to a Zeba Khan once in a debate) there are movements that want to contextualise the Koran within the Muslim communities but this is a drop in the ocean, a pebble on the beach as Muslim Brotherhood and Arabic organisations will not allow this…but again I’m wandering (slightly) off topic and onto a post I posted previously within this blog. Anyway….back to this book which tells us that during the 1950s and 1960s, West Germany, Sweden, Holland and Belgium instituted guest-worker schemes to meet labour shortages. Britain and France also relied on immigrants to fill labour shortages, but with their stronger colonial ties they often granted their immigrants the right of citizenship. But what none of these countries had expected was that the migrant workers would, even when their work was done, want to put down roots in their new countries and bring their families with them. Personally (and Murray agrees) I believe skilled workers are needed here (in this era) in the UK and other cultures to enrich this little Island and add to diversity but not to change its identity, although I am an atheist I still see the needs for this countries Christian values and roots with secular rights and the division between “state and church”…Islam does not offer this and will not tolerate diversity from itself. This book is not only about the migration into the UK of course, its as the title says…all of Europe. Remember Merkel’s response to the migrant crisis in 2015: ‘We can do this’ (‘Wir schaffen das’). But Merkel could not claim to be speaking for the German people, since the German public did not support more immigration, least of all an influx of one million asylum seekers in a year. Neither did she have any idea what ‘this’ referred to. But what mattered was that, as Merkel put it, ‘The world sees Germany as a land of hope and chances. And that wasn’t always the case.’ This was Germany’s chance to atone for the Second World War and to portray itself as a country that people would migrate into rather than flee from. Now we know very well what has happened to Germany since large waves of immigration which entered. Murray is particularly scathing of German actions and policies, ranging from the reluctance of the authorities to involve themselves at Cologne during the New Years Eve assaults, to a German politician suggesting to German citizens concerned about a centre for asylum seekers being built in their town that they should consider emigrating, to a German girl sexually assaulted by a middle east migrant who initially pretends that the culprit was a native German, and then writes to her assailant pleading common cause (you are a victim of racism and I am a victim of sexism). Allow me here to copy and paste a little of this book telling a little tale of the UK…and if was in the 80’s so nowadays this Gentleman would not even pipe up, in this era, there are few Mr Honeyfords who are intellectually strong enough to challenge the problem of parallel communities in the face of politicians who furnished a race-relations industry with money and prestige to celebrate cultural difference. Those who advocated a desire to see immigrants embrace liberal democracy are dealt with harshly not only here is Britain but over Europe too…but here …read this excerpt “the headmaster of a Bradford school, published an article noting the refusal of some Muslim fathers to permit their daughters to participate in dance classes, drama or sport, and the silence of the authorities on this and other cultural practices, such as taking children back to Pakistan during term time. He also argued for pupils to be encouraged to speak English and understand British culture. The race-relations industry, which Honeyford had also criticised, organised a campaign against him and the Muslim mayor of Bradford claimed that, for his ‘cultural chauvinism’, Honeyford should be sacked. ‘Racist’ Honeyford, as his critics dubbed him, was forced into early retirement for challenging parallel communities at a time when British politicians had abandoned any notion of assimilation in favour of its antithesis: multiculturalism.” But bad political ideas that go unchallenged by the political class will eventually be challenged by the public. And so it was that the advocates of multiculturalism generated a public backlash. In 2006, the Dutch justice minister, Piet Hein Donner, caused significant anger in the Netherlands when he suggested that Muslims could change Dutch law to Sharia by democratic means. There was at least equal public outrage in Britain when, in 2008, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, suggested that the adoption of elements of Sharia law in the UK ‘seems unavoidable’ There is slowly an acceptance what is happening, for example.. In February 2011, prime minister, David Cameron, gave a speech in Munich critical of ‘the doctrine of state multiculturalism’ by which ‘we have encouraged different cultures to live separate lives, apart from each other and apart from the mainstream’. A few days later, the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, also pronounced multiculturalism to be a ‘failure’, saying: ‘The truth is that in all our democracies we have been too preoccupied with the identity of those who arrived and not enough with the identity of the country that welcomed them.’ But although these speeches of recognition skill the ingressing waves come in with an intolerant culture and we are expected to kowtow down and change our ways…and I talk for all of Europe here not only the UK, it’s not Spanish hotel workers who came into the UK running on a rampage with a knife and suicide vest, it’s not a intake from Portugal who demand we don’t call Christmas by its name, nor is it someone from Argentina here in the UK who is setting up grooming gangs in the West-Midlands praying on vulnerable young girls yet not being reported to the police as the violators are protected within their own community. But then neither are the Muslim communities marching to talk again these “so called minorities” yet we soon here Islamophobia being called out to stifle any debate. I am aware instead of discussing a book I am getting into a bit of a rant, and on a subject which I posted before albeit just skimming the surface but this is something I am very passionate about, being an Atheist I am vocal against all religions, specifically being a secular Humanist I recognise Islam as the worst plague we are facing so will always shout out against it without much prompting and anyone who does not understand the difference between a race or an ideology should not be critical of what I’m saying and should instead try to educate themselves!!!! The author of this book Douglas Murray is not an angry writer. Rather he coolly dismantles the oft-peddled official arguments for why large-scale immigration is good for us. I suspect many readers, such as I have been, will be simultaneously impressed and depressed by Murray's conclusions. Impressed because here is someone who's finally written a lucid, probing account into a mostly taboo subject that has always been difficult to broach without sounding strident or racist, and even more difficult to unpack from its layers of decade-long distortion, denial, and political correctness. Depressed because the fading of traditional Western European identity does seem bleak, perhaps even irreversible, and also depressing and we watch this happening like cowards, we fiddle whilst we watch Rome burn. Get into Italy or Greece and you have arrived is the migrants motto. Europe welcomes one and all. Gulf Arab states welcome no-one. Europe will be changed out of all recognition and people seem not to care, we will become a Caliphate by Sword or Womb. We still have not seen the trick the politicians have played on us. We see to have lost pride in our historic culture. Everyone in the world wants their own culture but Europe seems not to have pride or to care about what is being lost. This book shows how the art and literature of Europe proclaim the death of the culture; it’s a very sad story. Murray makes clear the European public is generally well ahead of the politicians in understanding the nature of the problem and its explosive future possibilities, and castigates the liberal elites for their deafness to such concerns,. Murray recognises that there are now no policies which could neatly solve the crisis of a growing Islamism in Europe and he is, in fact, pessimistic that we will take those measures that could reduce the problem, noting that a misguided optimism has created the crisis in the first place.

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