Monday, 28 June 2021

Planet of the Woke

 The Practicing Midwife magazine (whilst using a gendered title while attempting to cancelling out the role women play in the continuance of the life cycle) has went full on “woke” with its most recent cover! 

The world has gone crazy! The Inmates Are Running the Asylum! 

To quote DouglasMurray “One day the barbarians will be at the gate and we’ll be debating what gender pronouns to call them.”

An increasing number of kids are leaving school illiterate and with no maths skills these days yet the country seems more concerned about which pronouns to use for gender identities! So far there are 72 which include Cisgender, Genderfluid, Androgyne, Butch, Omnigender, Pangender, Polygender, Two Spirit…etc etc 

So throw away your old school biology books folks and make sure you use the proper gender term or be accused of committing a hate speech.

Things were so much easier in the past were there were only Male, Female & Weirdo ….now must get these Scrabble tiles aligned correctly in this game of Gender idiocy.

Remember that scene in planet of the apes where Charlton Heston’s character astronaut George Taylor finds the charred remnants of the Statue of Liberty and with it the truth that the "alien" planet ruled by Apes is actually a post-apocalyptic Earth of the future so he screams: "You finally really did it. You maniacs!” Well it appears we're arriving ahead of schedule to this crazy world ran by “The Woke”! 

Welcome to the systematic undermining of traditional roles and values!

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