Monday 20 July 2020

Devolution ...a horror story

Do you remember a country called Czechoslovakia? You will especially from geography classes if, like me, you were in School before 1992 as on the 31st of December The Slovak National Party (SNP ... how ironic) got its independence thus making Czechoslovakia The Czech Republic with the emergence of Independent Slovakia. Independence was obtained despite only around 37% of Slovaks and 36% of Czechs wanting it as the continuous demand of devoluted power make the Czechoslovakia state unworkable so the solution was either a viable federation or separating the country into two independent states so the split happened despite the majority not wanting it.

Think about this when the SNP in Scotland are demanding more powers under delvolution and especially how they are and in 2014 were so keen having DevoMax on the ballot papers... it would eventually make the UK unworkable and therefor, like Czechoslovakia, a choice would have to be made and most likely it would be cutting Scotland from the Union despite the majority up here not wanting it... so there is a sinister reason for the SNP demanding more powers to be devolved and the outcome has nothing to do with democracy.... but the Nationalism has never been big of democracy in the past. It was the plans for The Czech Republic and Solvakia to retain the same currency (does this sound familiar? Alex Salmond wanting the use the pound) but within a few weeks of separation Solvakia had to set up its only currency which then dropped 30% against the Czech currency the Koruna so after a bit  Solvakia started to use the Euro.

 Solvakia is now the second poorest country in the Euro zone after Estonia. 

 If you ever had debates (more like arguments) with Nationalists one of their sound bites, which they repeat like parrots, is “no country which ever gained its independence regretted it” .... well guess what? Now you have an answer to their ignorance.   So if you, like I do, want to see Scotland continue to prosper in the Union (because you can do the sums and don’t call for the dumb propaganda of ignorance) then be wary of devolution especially DevoMax, it’s a way for them to get “independence” in democratically and by stealth. 

....and I never once above mentioned how every service devolved from the UK into the hands of our inept Scottish government has declined and is failing... police, educated, NHS...etc

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