Thursday 4 June 2020

Why I won’t be “Taking a Knee”

The “Stand Up to Racism” organisation has organised a campaign called “Take the Knee” so show support for those protesting in the aftermath of the George Floyd death across in America. “Show support for those protesting” ...rioting, smashing windows, spray paining building and attacking that who we should be showing support to? Because if such people deserve support them it reminds me of a previous “Take the Knee” campaign in Northern Ireland during the 70s and 80s .... it too was not a very peaceful protest at the time.... can you remember that... where the IRA blew the knee caps off informers and others? (and theProtestant UDF use to set about captured Catholics with claw hammers in so called “rumpus rooms”, thought I’d better mention that fact too for the sake of equality... both sides were / are as evil) 

I do find it remarkable that they choose “take a knee” as their gesture of solidarity considering Floyd was kneed on the neck by the (since arrested) police officer, but then I suppose it’s like Christians wearing crucifixes (good job for fashion that Jesus was not beheaded by a Guillotine)... but anyway seems as tasteful as 'taking a water gargle for Whitney Houston or wearing a necktie for Michael Hutchence or perhaps getting a shave with an open razor for ISIS beheading victims..sounds like a sick humour? Believe me... I really don’t see any humour in this!

As for Black lives Matter, black lives do matter, this should never be disputed. So do every other kind of life no matter what ethnicity...try Asian lives matter when they are getting stomped on by the police in Hong Kong ... but I never saw any protests about that. 
But to deference to a cause asserting racial distinction really does feels very racist!
Deference implies intrinsic belief of a superior, and by asserting it, it perpetuates prejudiced generalisation and is racist ...ironically the very thing it claims to be the champion of! 

....and this “taking the knee" is fatuous vain humility.

I mean i don’t see it as a gesture of solidarity at all, it’s like taking a quoter of responsibility... the blame...punishing the group for the crimes of the individual. 
I am not racist or have committed any crime, only the guilty are guilty but this has a biblical feeling about it like revisiting sins of the father on the children is to not treat people equally on their character or merit but on their family history they have no control over or some of the darker aspects of the race they were born into .... now it’s starts be sound a wee bitty racist to me. You don’t fight racism by acting like one so why distinguish a race when all lives DO matter. 

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