Thursday 8 August 2019

The Rise of The Documentary

Watching that Netflicks documentary “The Great Hack” but getting a bit tired of all this liberal hand-wringing sore loser crap.  “A investigator report from The Guardian newspaper” ... lol 

Fakes news is here to stay, it will never be fully regulated, yes data-mining is ominous and disturbing but read the terms and conditions of social media apps before using and above all please try to educate yourself!! 

Let me save you the time it is in a nutshell, the message in full...**spoiler alert**....."This is why Donald Trump won, so they should be a law against it" (change "Donald Trump" for "BREXIT" or "Scottish Indy No" or any other campaign which you are not happy with the results of)  

Books, lectures and balanced debates , these are always a good start.   Yes, it’s comforting to live in a silo, an echo chamber of like minded people who reenforce your convictions by repeating the same ideas and sound bites you use but it’s not a healthy environment to be in.
if you dislike another persons views you simply “unfriend” them!!  is the equivalent of closing your eyes, sticking your fingers in your ears and humming lalalala to yourself .... yes, everyone wants to think they are right and it there is an uncomforted annoyance like a pain to accept you are wrong but that’s how personal growth happens ....otherwise you are just a snowflake and continue to seek that comfort blanket of the same uniformed options at you!!! 

Trump won the election, the democratic majority voted for BREXIT and Scotland spoke up and voted to stay in the UK... get over it!!! I voted remain on the BREXIT vote, my side lost but I recognise that’s democracy... for all it’s flaws that’s the way it works, I may have voiced my opinions about my thoughts on BREXIT voters, even on past posts but this was partially sour grapes. I was not happy and neither were the other 16 million of us but 17 million are getting what they voted for  (well let’s see because it seems like the hyper liberal  elite may not follow democracy and are acting with a totalitarian fury against it) 

As for the Republicans using Cambridge Analytica, the British consulting company the feed the Trump (and BREXIT) propaganda machine with our mined data....get over it snowflakes, the Democrats came up with the idea first and used it for a Clinton victory you would be over the moon .....oh but the Democrats are above that, they would never obtain data of the american electorate to use it for such underhand purposes.....well that shows you what you don't know about the proposed OBAMA CARE and why ultimately it was deemed as unconstitutional.

Remember the documentaries of Michael Moore?They are not appealing to the public anymore as his willingness to bend the truth to suit his audience eventually became so apparent that it was embarrassing.

So now there is a rush to fill the vacuum for "see how my liberal ideas can be (kinda for now) vindicated by a nice shinny paint over the cracks production" documentaries on suspected wrong doings and conspiracies.  But these still dont replace the need for a proper education on the matter...but who has time to read a book for 16 hours or much more when a simple paint by (assumed) numbers documentaries can give you what you want to know in a fraction of that time.

I do enjoy documentaries, especially travel, science and nature but I not presume to have traipsed through the the Amazon rain forrest looking fro a tree frog because I saw David Attenborough do it or think I understand the moons of Saturn because I watch Brian Cox, I can be in awe and know much more than I did at the start with such documentaries but if they may have a hidden political message then things start to become more dangerous. 

9/11 conspiracies, PETA, The Unconvienient Truth, Michael Moore, Cowspiricy...etc etc...and now The Great careful people.

Would you become a food critique by eating instant noodles? Invest a little more time in books, by all means documentaries can be great compliments to obtained knowledge but never rely upon on source and the internet and documentaries can be very dangerously misleading.

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