Friday 4 May 2018

Communism and Cuba

There are over one million Cubans exiled. We often hear and fall victim to the bull shit spewed by academia imbeciles who have their knowledge of communism/socialism from "politically correct " books and received "lectures". If you visit Cuba you will see the famine, lack of electricity and other human neccesities, they have things because the exile community sends everything from medicines to portable air condition window units. Taxi drivers make much more than doctors and engineers. Now don’t get me wrong on this, I am aware that the usa has spent billions of dollars and over 50 years trying to make cuba fail.

The Cuba headache probably could have been resolved in 1961 or 1962 when the world knew that the revolution was the beggining of communism just 90 miles away from the US mainland and millions of assets, American dollars were tied up in this island that was almost a part of the U.S.. The big catch was that Cuba had no oil that could be harvested by American interests and the states had a president that was hypnotized by what was going on with South East Asia and never thought that Russia would eventually have missels 90 miles away form U.S. shore, ballistic submarines just a few miles away, squadrons of Mig 23 & 25 just one or three minutes away from Miami.

 The cuban refugees in Miami across in the states sent tons and more ton s of every kind of goods to the island to "help" the left behind family that didn't even had toilet paper to wipe their butts and that was a big help in keeping the regime afloat. I am myself guilty of being glazed over by the idea of a small island such as Cuba holding up two fingers to a superpower nation, I bought and read the books of Castro before visiting Cuba. I saw the (now I know very few) positive sides of Cuba since the revolution such as the education and health system and thought that hey, this communist system can’t be all bad, if once across there and I saw the poverty and have since spoke to ex-pats living in Edinburgh and Glasgow. One such ex-pat I spoke to, an older gentleman said his homeland of 1959 was a jewel compared to the Cuba of today. No one makes money except prostitutes. The people who (were) his family and used to consider him a worm for asking for an AC, a coluor television, toilet paper, medicines, vitamins, toothpaste when he lived there and it goes fir to all consumer goods. He talks about the Takeover of “the Rat” known as Fidel back in 1960. It pissed him off that he is now 68 years old left Cuba at 10 and still I can't go back! I have another well traveled friend from Cuba in Glasgow who her and her family also suffered due to communism in Cuba, but I don’t have permission to write her story so won’t but believe me that it’s a sad one.

 The theory behind Communism is (I know this is basic) that everyone contributes what they can, and takes what they need. The key word in that is need. It will only ever work on a small scale because of human nature, and greed. It fails on a large scale, and then has to turn into a dictatorship with the people at the top succeeding at the expense of the people at the bottom and this is what has happened to Cuba. I stayed at a casa across there and was impressed they had toilet paper which I did not expect after reading some guides and had brought my own in my bag from the U.K. upon asking about this I was told that the owner of the casa spent 4 hours in a queue awaiting to buy toilet paper!!! I saw queue of cuban people waiting outside shops when I left the tourist grid!!
Communism in Cuba is courtesy of the USSR who were victorious over German Nazism and Italian Fascism on the battle field. The old saying goes," To the victors go the spoils of war." In this case , the spoils of war are being able to denounce the political system of the vanquished, while ignoring the evils of their own. Mankind is always trying to take a smooth running government system and trying to make it pay off like a fruit machine. There is a lot of negativity about a capitalist society, especially said by followers of certain political groups here is the U.K. such as labour and SNP (not seeing either of these parties have communism swings, well....Corbyn ...but let’s not go there on this post) but communist society is not the utopian life I may have once believed when it is put into practice, quite an eye opener going into a pizza restaurant in Cuba and to be told they don’t have any pizza on the menu today, can you imagine that when visiting the capitalist capital of New York :) (Siderite about the pre-mentioned political parties about, their supporters need to be wary of being indoctrinated into thinking socialism is the correct path, certainly ironic with labour and there recent sellout to the Muslim Brotherhood, again something which I have wrote about on another post) A recent visit to Berlin also let’s me to believe this, and May across there depending upon which side of the wall you grew up on. Although a taxi driver who drove he from the airport to my hotel did insist that life was better on the east side before the wall was torn down but this was due to immigration (but Merkel has a lot to answer about this) Communism may appear appeal from the outside in but those trapped within are climbing walls, digging tunnels or building rafts to escape, let’s not be so quick to turn the AK47s into ploughs, looking towards the Far East it appears more have died due to the ideologies of communism that the frantic brutality of Nazism. As someone once told me.

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