I recently posted this on Facebook regarding the recent news that Facebook and Twitter have banned Tommy Robinson. I though I would stick it on my blog here too as it does have some synergies to items I have previously posted in the pasts.
Now I am not a big fan of Tommy Robinson but I do salute and respect what he has done bringing to light social problems which others shy away from, especially the grooming gang epidemic in the uk.
It’s a disgrace that tommy is being banned from social media yet communities still are allowed to not only to exists but also flourish which promote hatred of Israel, support Sharia in the west, antifas and such groups. It’s also disgraceful how the BBC panorama program attempted to set him up using lies and false news (you can search on YouTube on how Tommy proved this and caught then out ....unless of course that video has since been removed but the powers who want him silenced)
Freedom of speech is a right just as you also have the right to be offended by it but you don’t have a right to silence it.
Any criticism is Islam is often seized upon as racism, xenophobia or bigotry but in contrast anyone who criticises someone as a racist or nazi is somehow elevated to the position of judge and jury as an anti-nazi and anti-racist
And as for anti-fascism there seems to be a supply and demand problem. Post war politics is very anti-facist and determined never to allow fascism to rise again but the more fascism recedes into history and the fewer visible fascists there are the more self-proclaimed “anti-fascists” need fascism to retain political virtue or display a perception of a higher moral standing.
To accuse anyone wrongly of these evils (racism, fascism etc) carries not social or political price and can only bring political and personal advantages
Remember a few years back when the reports were coming in from the victims of the rochdale Islamic grooming gangs, the number of victims now potentially over a hundred. These white non-Muslim young girls (who were preyed upon as some of the perpetrator in their court defence claimed their religion allows it) were silenced by the headsheds of the police and social works.
It also would be true to say there never has been any “anti-communist” fervour in Western Europe... strange! Anything to do with it being perceived as “cool” and “liberally morally high” despite the millions that the communist ideology has killed and still is killing!!!!