“We have… practical, costed policies for a fair and green recovery, nearly *all* of which we can implement under the current constitutional arrangement. We don’t need to wait for independence.” -Lorna Slater (pre-election)
“I don’t see how I can realistically talk about tackling the climate crisis when I don’t have the powers to do all those things.” - Lorna Slater (post-election)
That’s that shouty tree hugging moron from Canada that moved here and now wants to take our British citizenship (us in Scotland) away from us. She is the co-leader of the Green Party in Scotland with little toad faced Patrick Harvie.
The Scottish Greens now have to position everything through the pro independent prism to satisfy their new political masters. It's totally negated both the message and their credibility
Nicola Sturgeon has taken these pair of turds and their Green Party into the SNP fold with a power sharing deal, a shameful attempt at a nationalist coalition of chaos focused on splitting up the country and dividing Scotland with another bitter referendum and of course Scottish government to present the thin veneer of strong pro-climate credentials before November’s COP26 in Glasgow…currently Garbage capital of Europe thanks to SNP mismanagement.
And let’s not ignore that it’s a disgusting attempt to manipulate pro-independence arithmetic at Holyrood as addition of seven Scottish Green seats will allow the Scottish government to comfortably pass legislation despite the majority of the Scottish electorate being against it (their party representatives being their voice now gaged)…in other words …a ONE PARTY STATE!
Just another Greedy Liar within the ranks of the lying Pretendy Scottish Govt!
Who said things couldn’t get worse?
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