Andrew Neil once said when interviewing Nicola Sturgeon in 2019 “You’ve called for legislation to protect the NHS from Donald Trump. Maybe the NHS needs legislation to protect it from Nicola Sturgeon?”
How very true this statement is when we peer behind the curtain by examining the past years on the GERS reports which are produced by the SNP led Scottish Government (GERS deniers don’t have a leg to stand upon …figuratively but could be literally if relying upon the Scottish NHS for a prosthetic)
Sometimes I do think criticism of the SNP is becoming too much of a theme for my blog, it’s almost lazy as it’s picking the low hanging fruit or like shooting fish in a barrel but all the same, I was born in Scotland, I live here and it astonishing how this bunch of cranks can get away with so much and during their past 14 years in office Scotland and all it’s devolved service have suffered and went stale yet they still get voted in and some fanboys get triggered every time they hear a nasty work about their political idols! We only were a canny bred us Scots but no longer in the case of many!
SNP have siphoned of billions from the health budget to finance their other pet projects such as Scottish Independence, Gaelic road signs and “let’s pretend” gender laws.
For instance. At the end of the first year in Gov in 2007/08 the SNP spent 15.9% more per person on health than England
By 2019/20 that had fallen to only 3.26% more than England despite Scotland getting £2,135 per person more to spend than England
England increased its real health spending per person from 2007 to 2020 by 25% yet in Scotland it only rose by c11%. Scotland received the full Barnett consequencials of increased English health spending yet diverted much of that extra funding away to other areas
People are literally dying in Scotland because the SNP refused to increase health spending in line with England’s increased spending. They received the money. They just siphoned it off into other areas other than health.
It is a recipe for disaster as we have seen from the drugs deaths (highest in Europe) and other drug/drink and unhealthy life choices related deaths.
It only are the druggies, jakies and fried Mars bars connoisseurs missing out on treatment it’s also children (infections at Glasgow's super-hospital), babies (closures and lack of beds at neonatal units) and of course the elderly as we have seen from Sturgeon shipping out covid positive OAPs from hospitals into care homes!
Also read my post from the 23rd of May 2020 “Sturgeon the Reaper” …how can anyone defend this woman and her party of glorified inexperienced town councillors? Take Humza for an example, a failed transport minister who got caught driving without insurance, then he was the justice minister and introduced a hate bill which the Taliban would be proud of and now moved to health minister but too busy twittering and FB’ing about problems getting his daughter into a nursery instead of sorting out the crap…I.E…getting on with the work he is getting paid for!
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