The fervorous gusto with which the zealots of Scottish Independence preach evangelically their chimeraish economic case for Indy (*spoiler - there never was one) seems to have suffered much lag in social media these days. Splintered and divided (much like they would have of our great union of GB) their supporters.
Prior to the 2014 AD Indy vote Alex Salmond descended the great Munro Mount Sinai with his tablets of stone promising to lead his people across the wastelands from the accursed “rest of U.K.” ruled by terrible pharaoh overlords called “tories” to the promised land of unicorns and whisky with the economical white paper case of “its oor oil” to base Scotland’s economic case as a key to release the chains and shackles of slavery (Deuteronomy parodies never fail)
Now it’s 2021 with the Cassandra power of hindsight also known as GERS (oil prices took a dook and if Scotland voted YES is 2014 we would be a unvaccinated bankrupt Nation now)
The new messiah Nicola Sturgeon tried to part the seas to continue the fatal journey with her newly found green credentials and faith that it will take a union to break a union by partnering up with the Scottish Green Party, a Marxist anti-everything party who, like a mango, appear green on the outside but inside they are yellow within and have supported Independence even when it was reliant upon fossil fuels.
These Green Muppets are the height of hypocrisy…opposing fuel poverty whilst being anti-fossil and nuclear fuel, vowing to end hardship when they publicly support everything which would stifle economic growth… But I am sure the Indy supporting armchair economists of social media will paint over such discrepancies with their tartan paint and believe all will be alright on the day …just keep shaking that magic money tree … promise the world and blow up smokescreens when scrutiny comes a knocking.
These wee green monkeys are anti-monarchists too, if we flick our minds back to April when the Queen’s husband Prince Philip passed away the Scottish Parliament met on a motion of condolence for the late Duke of Edinburgh. The main party leader and chief Indy Carrot dangler First Minister Nicola Sturgeon actually paid an eloquent tribute to Prince Philip's seven decades of public service but co-leader of the Scottish Greens wee speckled Patrick Harvey (yes “co-leader” the other co-conspirator is Canadian Lorna Slater for gender balance despite their support for the non-biological claim that there is something like 57 different genders and if you don’t agree you go to jail on hate crime charges) told Holyrood that his party had considered boycotting the Holyrood tribute and criticised Prince Philip’s 'extreme wealth, privilege and status' by pleading that it would have been 'wrong to give a performance of feelings not sincerely felt.' …did his mummy not learn him that’s it’s not nice speaking ill of the dead? Especially considering that the late Prince Philip spent his lifetime supporting nature conservation, including founding the World Wildlife Foundation… but obviously this does not cut the mustard with the mango environmentalist party.
I guess Scottish Independence supporters are deleting their “it’s oor oil” meme now the dangling SNP carrot is organic with large gluten free and fair trade stickers on it to keep them onboard. Their poor heads must be spinning, one minute if was all “secret oil fields” and “Air Passenger Duty cuts” now it’s all windmills and trans tolerance.
I best not write here about how the Greens are advocates of the MMT (modern monetary theory) and it’s implications of non-conformity with Sturgeon’s current Hail Mary pass on her Indy Economic thoughts, don’t want to muddle wee small Indy defending brains more than what they currently are.
Sturgeon (as the other fish before her) with her minions of supporters of Scottish Independence could never build a credible economic case for secession but at least she would try albeit with denials, falsehoods and smoke & mirrors, now with the biggest deficit since devolution they don’t even attempt to say boo!
How I miss these gallant defenders of Indy attempt to argue their economic theories, all of which have been shot down… there are a few still treading the waters by being GERS deniers but these poor hardy souls are getting less and less (or looking more and more pathetic) but ah well, they still have their memes of Boris and now a disco dancing Micheal Groves.