Nicola Sturgeon says she doesn't want people 'bringing the virus back' from England when she defends her decision to keep the border closed.... considering Scotland currently has much more coronavirus cases per capita than England should it not be a case of Scottish people taking the virus to England? (Scotland has 40.7 cases per 100’000 compared to England’s 28.1)
Do people actually believe her rhetoric?
Drug related deaths have doubled during Sturgeon’s 7 years as first minister the highest number of deaths in Europe, the attainment gap (Audit Scotland report).
SNP Health Secretary, Jeane Freeman upon leaving her post has admitted the SNP make a “colossal misjudgment” transferring the elderly from hospitals into care homes without testing them first for covid. Between March and May last year, 3,061 patients were moved from hospitals to care homes without being tested prior to discharge. Even more astonishingly, 150 who were tested positive for Covid-19 were transferred.
The SNP, with our tax money and lacking due diligence is funding organisations that are members of the ILGA which demands...”that governments worldwide must end the criminalization and stigmatization of adolescents’ sexuality” which in effect lowers the age of sexual consent to 10 in what is considered a pedophiles charter!
Since SNP’s Justice Minister Humza’s hate bill there is less free speech in Scotland than anywhere else in Europe! Now in Scotland if you were to say there are only two genders then you are committing a crime, by law you are no longer allowed to state a biological fact.
They’ve held back 20 million quid provided by WM for the cabbies yet SNP local offices have unlawfully taken money for themselves (then were forced to pay it back) They’re using money meant for the cabbies and other businesses to fund their election bribes.
They are still banging the drum of Scottish Independence during a world wide pandemic which is killing hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of’s only thanks to being part of the U.K. Scotland has not suffered worst....How would an independent Scotland have paid for 80% furlough payments without the backing of an established Central Bank? Also, without the British Oxford AZ & UK government procurement Scots would be sitting in the vaccine slow lane as England hit 60% vaccinated.... don’t forget that the SNP did not want to leave the EU procurement scheme and join the U.K. one which has proved to be a life saver compared to the disastrous EU one!
...and let’s not forget the multitude of lines and false optimism they presents before the last Indy election ...for example the 2014 independence White Paper forecast North Sea tax revenues of £6.8 - £7.9 billion, since 2014 the actual average North Sea tax revenues have been just £0.6 billion pa.
Don’t even talk about welfare, the SNP has delayed the full transfer of welfare powers to Scotland from Westminster by almost a decade despite them persistently condemning Whitehall’s “inhumane” benefits system... it’s because they know it’s complicated and they would do much worst, they need to maintain the Westminster bogey man rhetoric and the current benefits system helps them do just this.
Have you actually seen the state of Scotland under Nationalist rule?
It's a shitehole, and the government couldn't run a bath. The money they got from Westminster to ease the burden of businesses has been lining their own pockets.
Scotland has a corrupt First Minister, a corrupt Government and a partisan Civil Service and Judiciary. It’s no longer a Government, it’s a Cartel.
They feed false information to their cult worshipers, the amount of posts and memes I see on social media with lies are unbelievable! I have given up commenting of people’s posts to disprove the false information they present because it’s like trying to turn back the tide, and it makes no difference, them knowing what they claim is shit they will continue to follow the SNP like obedient sheep, elements of the Scottish electorate are too lazy or too stupid to research facts so they fall for easily digested sound bites and thump their chests believing they are more patriotic than anyone else.
They continuously use the Modus operandi of redact and suppress, deflect by blaming Westminster, accuse the Tories especially Boris and if backed into a corner the start with insults “Quisling” or “Tory Boy” are two of the common ones. It’s little wonder the SNP wants to talk about flags and referendums which aren’t going to happen.... it’s all deflection from the truth.
There are two types of people currently in Scotland. People who worship the politics & personality of Nicola Sturgeon....
and people who can spot a fraud.
I ask my friends who are SNP voters why they choose to support them, I yet await to clear answer!
In2007 Salmond, Sturgeon and the SNP conned their way into power at Holyrood. It should now be clear that decision by the Scottish electorate was a huge mistake confirmed by their 14 years in government. We now have the opportunity to remove them from power on the 6th of May. Do it and don’t allow this shame to continue!
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