Saturday, 11 December 2021

Rebranding the Scottish Junkie

 Some “rebranding” happening up here …I have been reading about the Scottish government initiative that’s underway to stop people using the term “Junkie” (a Scottish slang for drug addict), in order not to get chastised by the police when reporting a scaggie junkie ghoul trying to commit a crime to fund their next fix or shooting up outside the local primary scho, we need to mind out Ps & Qs with the language we use.

May I suggest as a template for that phone call to the boys in blue (or girls, or non-binary gender non specific) 

…the following…

 “…please, pretty please (be super polite)  when time allows from filling your daily tick sheet on persecuting thought crimes and warning people off for not wearing panty liners on their faces whilst in public, could you send one of your officers, preferably a diversity hireling who in fluent In Gaelic, to my address toot sweet as I see a (don’t mention a gender) person (taking a chance, they could be identifying themselves as a unicorn) with a possible (you are not an expert so we wary of being held to account here) drugs problem administering a possible (you have no medical degree) drug (could be a saline solution) outside the property in which I live (not your property as by the time it may go to court, 20 or 30 years time, it may be a Labour government so “all property is theft” so it’s you who may get sent to the Gulag) 

…there it is, as easy as that and the J word was not used!  …but a simplified version would just be to call the offender a “andúileach drugaí”  which of course as you should know is Gaelic for “drug addict” and Gaelic appears to be the language the police use up here from what I see written on their vans!

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Not as Black and White as they would have you believe

 Looking across the Atlantic at US of A and it’s interesting (to me at least) how Kyle Rittenhouse was (and in many quarters still is despite his acquittal) portrayed my the media and Biden as a white supremacist terrorist but then there is Darrell Brooks, a black man and (from indication if his social media) a BLM supporter who drove his SUV into a packed Christmas market killing at least 6 people, similar to the 2016 Berlin terror attack by ISIS, but the media seem to be very eager to rule out terrorism or anti-white hate, in fact they even go as far as to say it was practically an accident he drove into the crowds of people as he was trying to escape a knife fight! Also there is the inconvenient truth of his long criminal past as a violent sex offender…getting George Floyd vibes here, will people be taking the knee for Darrell soon? A victim of white privilege that led him to crime? Perhaps Ben and Jerry will name an Ice Cream after him …SUV Darrell’s Rocky Road Choc Chip! 

Another inconvenient truth is his history of anti-White hate in his social media comments and rap music lyrics…but let’s not look too deep into this, the media want a narrative of a binary good and bad, Kyle Rittenhouse a white suprematist, poor Darrell just took the wrong turn escaping from a knife fight! 

Here is a wee story ..A biker is riding by the zoo when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion's cage.

Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the cuff of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to eat her, under the eyes of her screaming parents. The biker jumps off his Harley, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the biker brings her to her terrified parents who thank him endlessly. A reporter has watched the whole event. The reporter addressing the Harley rider says, 'Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I've seen a man do in my whole life.' The Harley rider replies, 'Why, it was nothing, really, the lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger and acted as I felt right.' The reporter says, 'Well, I'll make sure this won't go unnoticed. I'm a journalist, and tomorrow's paper will have this story on the front page. So, what do you do for a living and what political affiliation do you have?'. The biker replies, 'I'm an soldier just returned from Afghanistan and a Consevative supporter'. The journalist leaves. The following morning the biker buys the paper to see news of his actions, and reads, on the front page: SOLDIER ASSAULTS AFRICAN IMMIGRANT AND STEALS HIS LUNCH.

And that my friends, pretty much sums up the media's approach to the news these days.

White, black, yellow, pink or tiger stripped …we are all the same, there are good and bad in people no matter what the colour of their skin so it’s time for the media to stop race baiting and the left to face facts and use logic and common sense, especially the Democrats in America, sometimes I think it’s because they have a guilt complex because they have driven through a whole raft of social welfare laws that have decimated the family structure, and this has particularly hit the poor black families the hardest so now they feel the need to point the finger and shout “racist” at everyone else…and for reference the Democrats fought on the side of the southern slave owners during the US Civil War and it was Democrats that introduced the Jim Crow laws…perhaps not much interests up here in Scotland but what kicks off in the states ripples across here … we face seen this with George Floyd… even some Scots footballers take the knee and street names in Glasgow had to be changed! 

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Epiphany Of The Nationalist

 Mankind has a psychological need for a belief system and as religion is on the decline people try to fill that vacuum with other pursuits of faith and devotion, “wokeness” is a common replacement as is veganism and the various environmental themes but here in Scotland we have Nationalism which fits the space for a blind belief system very well.

The problem though which is arising is that it’s high priests are gradually being found as predators and frauds and such as the case with Salmond who’s followers have denounced his ALBA splinter group and instead prefer to follow the gospels of Sturgeon and the SNP but then with the gradual realisation that she is unable to turn water into Iron Brew they then slink off looking for a new messiah. Their once vehemently passioned posts and memes on social media decline firstly in quality, then quantity then are missing all together as they slink off into Nationalistic atheism but of course they will still denounce the anti-Christ with memes of “these bloody Toaries” as it’s always the low hanging fruit in the garden of Eden yet they don’t come up with alternatives or solutions, some will capitalise on the current “woke” tide attempting to make themselves appear holier than thou as an attempted cover for their Nat folly being exposed, a few may honestly hold up their hands in a Damascus moments admitting there mistake after leaving the Cult of Sturgeon and other may just block the Unionists from seeing their continued posts on social media prefers to preach to an echo chamber of likewise small minds as their embarrassment of quoting out the “good news book” of the 2014 white paper has been exposed as in the same fraudulent light as the Turin shroud. 

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Wuhan, the Chinese Chernobyl

 So the Covid outbreak happened in Wuhan, a city with the world’s largest research programme on bat-borne corona-viruses yet we are expected no discount that it leaked from their lab. 

A every increasing number of scientists who have examined the virus have claimed it possesses properties that could not have evolved naturally yet we are still expected to ignore that it may have leaked from a lab.

William of Ockham is rolling in his grave just now (obscure reference to Occam’s razor theory)

The lab leak theory best satisfies Occam. It always has done. To err is human: scientists and technicians make mistakes just like the rest of us. An accidental lab leak requires no forethought, conspiracy or malice, just a single individual making a mistake.

Quite why there has been such vehement political and scientific opposition to this idea escapes me.

The  modification of the proteins in the attachment spikes to make the virus more infectious is not necessarily means it was designed as a chemical weapon . Nothing sinister in that; it is a common technique to aid study of the development and spread of the virus. However, it does mean that you have to make sure that it stays in the laboratory and, if it does escape, you must warn the world at once. The Chinese government seem to be guilty of breaching both duties of care yet why is there still no fingers pointing at this (likely) truth? What does China hold over us to protect it so? Or perhaps the question is who was funding such research that it had to be done out of their own country? Mmmmm? 

Sunday, 14 November 2021

Pro-Vaccine but Anti-mandate

 Reading in the News this morning …Austria ENFORCES LOCKDOWN only for the UNVACCINATED from tonight!

Now before you read this I want to something’s very clear …I am pro-vaccine but anti-mandate, I as in me personally weighed up the risks of catching Covid or suffering the (very long odds possible) effects of the vaccine and I choose to get jabbed, I recommend to others to get the vaccine if they were to ask me although I would not force their arms up behind their backs and frog march them in to get it…there is still something in this country called freedom of choice and you should not lose it if you don’t agree to follow the program, Civil liberties are rights, not privileges and should not be taken away if someone refuses to fall into line. 

Oppressors of the freedom to choose have tyrannised those who wish to exercise this human right and as such have evolved into a segregationist dictatorship forcing an medical apartheid into existence. 

I happily and gladly rolled up my sleeve for each jab but I don’t agree this should be forced into those who refuse, although I disagree with their reasons I accept their principles and to force or try to cohere them into doing what is against their will stinks of fascistic totalitarianism! 

We and our allies defeated such a regime in the 40’s but should always be aware of what Nietzsche warned when he talked about battling with “monsters” be careful not to become what you are fighting against “gazed into the abyss for so long they became the very beast they sought to defeat”

As I said before, I don’t necessarily agree with the vaccine sceptics but I can respect their uneasy about hastily developed drugs which long-term consequences are still not fully known. Taking part in the largest medical experiment in human history should not be forced upon us, I choose to as I feel the dangers of catching Covid outweigh the risks of the vaccine yet as I understand it now (it was not so clear early doors so it’s not hypocrisy on my part  if I laid earlier criticism as we can only deal with the information at hand) if you are vaccinated you can still catch it although don’t suffer the effects and you can also still transmit it to others (who are, in my opinion, hopefully vaccinated too) so the question arises why should it be mandatory?  So not to over burden the NHS perhaps as the NHS can’t wait for us all to become Covid-impervious? Ok, that could be a valid point but then again what about health problems exacerbated by coercive restrictions? Does the government ban smoking and drinking alcohol because the effects burden the NHS? 

I believe we should get vaccinated but I also think there is something smelling bad here when governments overstep the mark, Orwellian in many ways and all the more scary for it! 

Sunday, 7 November 2021

Anatomy of Scottish Politics

 Sturgeon is an arch opportunist. Remember that 16 year olds vote in Scottish elections, now she is getting big on free bus travel for under 22 year olds …personally I have preferred reducing the age of the older generation to getting their free bus passes … but of course there is less chance of the more experienced and world wise voting for this divisive mob so what would be the political strategy in allowing people who have paid more into the tax system or don’t have the bank of mom or dad to fund their perks.

Now she knows her 'green' rhetoric plays to to to a youthful demographic desperate to 'save the planet' as we have seen how they flock to the call of the avatar Greta Thunberg.  Recall her passionate plea on video to the 'trans community' when a few of them threatened to leave the SNP over the inclusion of women's sex based rights in the Hate Crime Bill? I suspect she's not nearly as passionate as she makes out regarding all these 'right on' issues. But she has a cynical awareness of where the votes are. I suspect many of her MSP's and MP's are equally indifferent - but they want to make sure they're saying all the 'right' things. And nobody dare disagree with the Bitch Boss. I believe she's one of the most disingenuous politicians we have ever had the misfortune to observed in a life-time of watching British politics

And the Greens! What a sell out …exactly how are they going to square the circle over Cambo and other green targets missed by the Krankies

It now seems that the Greens are now the attack dogs to attack other green organisations, its a bit rich saying Greenpeace is London based, when they operate across the world.

It’s the same old time proven sorry… a fringe activist group like the greens suddenly get access to large sums of taxpayers money, and dozens of well paid jobs, then they will do whatever their paymasters want them to do. They can ride this gravy train for years and Sturgeon and co will gladly offer the teat for them to suckle down upon. 

The fact is, the SNP don't like their failures highlighted before they have a narrative to blame it on Westminster and the Tories.

The Scottish government is as morally bankrupt as the EU, they both use the same modus operandi, every problem can be solved with the same answer.

The EU - We need more Europe

The SNP - We need independence

Narrow-minded nationalism (parochialism, in other words) contaminates and corrupts. Everything that is wrong is the 'other's' fault; everything that is right is because of 'us'. That is the fatal flaw in nationalism. The SNP are the pimps and the Scottish Greens are more than willing to be the whores. Both parties will do anything, anything at all, to seize power and enrich themselves and we have a dumb electorate who continue to vote them in…sorry if anyone reading this takes offence but it’s true …remember Facebook tags?…Sovereign this and 45 that … bunch of dumplings, but in their defence mankind needs a belief system and that’s what they continue to latch on to, and need a silo to act as an echo chamber … if you are if a different opinion they (the one I mention here are the most parochial cling to a cause due to their insecurities) will unfriend you on social media preferring friendship with their barbers if they are indy supporters like them.

Monday, 1 November 2021


A new word has recently been birthed and is going around. It’s as yet not made it into the Oxford Dictionary but, unless a infamous Sturgeon injunction is applied, it may make the next edition.  

Perhaps lacking in aesthetics much like both parties involved but, unlike both parties, rich in contents … this new word us……..GRETAWASHING 

Meaning … Gretawashing - when a cynical and unprincipled politician seeks to present as sincere and principled , with regard to climate change,  by exploiting the proximity of Greta Thunberg, pathetically holding on to the coattails of a young girl to further your own stalled cause. Verb- to Gretawash 

Greta has chosen an odd bedfellow in Nicola Sturgeon who’s only interest in being at, opps…sorry I should insert “wandering the halls and corridors” at is to get traction in publicity for Scottish Independence. 

The oddness of the pair comes about by the Greta marionette jangling along side the Sturgeon who in 2014 campaigned hard with Alex Salmond with their secession plans focused on North Sea oil and nowadays they campaign for a Scottish Independence that would guarantee pushing Scotland off the decarbonisation path for lack of funding!

Want to argue the fact? Then please show me in their “2018 Sustainable Growth Commission report” which is their new economic blueprint (just as the fairy tale White Paper wax in 2014) where there is a cost analysis of the decarbonisation for Scotland! Take your time, look carefully now … but you won’t find it cause it ain’t there! 

The average cost of upgrading and retrofitting an existing single home to be compatible with Net Zero ranges from £10,000 to £19,000…as part of the U.K. grants will be provided, as an Indy Scotland where does this expense factor into their calculations? 

It is understandable the puppet Greta has been taken in with this Nationalist con trick leading her on a fools errand with this bunch, or I should say her handlers are as Greta just follows whoever pulls her strings and writes her scripts. Sturgeon has been feeding the airwaves with a narrative that she has green credentials, even making a deal with the (no so) Scottish Green Party who are also very aware of this deceit and complicit in it by pulling the wool over their kale munching supporters. 

Source for info can be found in the most recent OBR fiscal risks report which analysis has lengthy, detailed sections dedicated to examining the government budget implications of dealing with the coronavirus pandemic and climate change.  This document and the OBR are recognised by the Scottish Government with never factored into their printed fairy tales

Know Your Nat (by Russell Findlay)


The following I can not take the slightest credit for as it’s all the work of a guy called Russell Findlay who writes for the Scottish Daily Express. It is so very true, we have all met these Nats which Russell categorises below, I once wrote a post on my blog in the past about St George in retirement syndrome which is perhaps worth reading for a further insight into why these guys believe and support what and who they do, perhaps Robert the Bruce in retirement syndrome would better describe them or should that be Wallace? Anyway, I can almost hear them grinding their teeth reading this, we all know the type, giving themselves the self proclaimed titles of sovereign Scots this and that…lol clowns come in tartan too but I don’t want to blanket every nationalist which such a charge, some genuinely (try but unsuccessfully) argue their case in polite debate whilst others such as those below just open their shortbread holes and let it rumble…well enjoy below and all credit goes to Russell Findlay …

With thousands of delegates arriving from around the world, Scottish Conservative MSP Russell Findlay presents this tongue-in-cheek guide to the various types of Scottish nationalist.

The eyes of the world are on Glasgow for Cop26 where the only topic on the agenda should be the climate crisis.

But with tedious inevitability, Scottish nationalists will always find a way of pushing their obsession of breaking up the United Kingdom.

Our guests from around the world should be prepared, which is why they need this handy Cop 26 Guide: Know Your Nat

The Unicorns

Dreamers who believe in a Scottish socialist utopia. Free Caledonia’s citizens would be pampered by world-beating services of all kinds. Our young would prosper with universal educational excellence. There would be well-paid jobs for all (hey, have a four day week). The transport network would be comprehensive and green. Prisons would close as social workers use role-playing and pottery classes to turn criminals into model citizens. Oh, and free unicorns for all.

The Angry Men

A lifelong political fury was forged after being beaten up by some English soldiers during national service in Aldershot in the 1950s. Come rain or shine they never leave home without their medals — enamel pin badges extolling glorious nationalism. They can often be found in supermarkets, re-arranging the newspaper display to ensure The National is in prime position. Having been viewed as Anglophobic eccentrics for decades, they now regard themselves as elder statesmen of the movement. They wince at Nicola Sturgeon’s sinister comments about pro-UK older voters dying off.

The Confused Anglos

Middle-class couples on the public sector payroll who regard Nicola Sturgeon as progressive champion — despite her appalling record of governance. They love preaching to chums about their enlightened new homeland and virtue signal about paying extra income tax. Artisan sourdough in Hyndland and Stockbridge is even almost as good as in London. Crucially, they explain, Scottish nationalism is really not like other types of beastly nationalism. This requires extreme use of blinkers. If independence happened, they’d be back across the Border quicker than a scalded cat.

The Historians

Without any encouragement, they will take you on a journey back in time to prove that Scotland is, in fact, already independent. Your will hear a confusing ramble comprising 11th century monarchs, the Stone of Destiny, dastardly aristocratic plots, fabled documents written in blood and Rosslyn Chapel’s carvings. Some may also use the alignment of the stars to state their case. Eccentric and shabbily dressed, if you get trapped in conversation with them, simply nod and smile.

The Troughers

Having gorged for decades at the trough of public money during Labour’s Mafia-like grip on civic Scotland, they seamlessly swapped their red rosettes for SNP yellow. Many were lured because the SNP also hates “the Toaaaries”. Usually found in family groupings, these porcine opportunists don’t give a toss about independence, knowing it would be an economic disaster, but they also know what side their bread is buttered on.

The Bravehearts

These middle-aged men with dreary lives and Marks & Spencer underpants fantasise about leading a heroic resistance movement against their colonial oppressors. Some will occasionally attempt to set fire to the “butcher’s apron” (aka what they call the Union Jack) but the closest most of them get to direct action against the British sate is going on Yes marches and tweeting furiously when supermarkets sell Scottish strawberries with a Union Jack on the packaging.

The Technocrats

Outwardly reasonable and respectable, their uniform comprises thick glasses, tweed blazers with elbow patches and brogues. They never talk about the “butcher’s apron” or express Anglophobic comments. They have little time for most other types of Nat who view them with deep suspicion. But this intellectual facade is what makes them so dangerous. They retain their slightly creepy composure when confronted with the economic reality of ripping Scotland out of the UK.

The Tin-foil Tam O’Shanters

The most extreme of Nats who want Scotland to unilaterally declare independence, then take up arms when tanks roll across the border. They use the racist term ‘House Jock’ to describe the majority of Scots who are pro-UK. They believe that Scotland’s waters contain vast secret oil reserves and that the SNP has been captured by the British Security Services. When Nicola Sturgeon’s husband Peter Murrell said he saw a magpie in his garden while giving evidence to parliament last year, this was really a coded message to MI6. One day, they believe, King Alexei Salmond of Russia Today will return.

The Green Extremes

They believe our planet is dying and that we may already have passed the point of no return. But there remains one tiny chance to save the world…and that is for our small country of just over five million people in the northern edge of Europe to separate from the most successful political and cultural union in history. As the UK is a world leader on climate change and is hosting COP 26, this divisive nationalism puzzles mainstream Greens elsewhere in the world.”

Sunday, 31 October 2021

Good Night Vienna


Whilst the devolved Scottish NHS is struggling to survive with full wards and record wait times both for treatment and for ambulances, a situation so blatantly dire that the British Army had to be called in to help out why is the SNP so deafening quiet about an SNP Minister Angus Robertson would attempt to spend £30,000 of Tax payers cash on the book launch of his book about the history of an Austria city? 

No even one ounce of integrity displayed here by this group of thieves! 

Perhaps Angus who is the SNP Scottish arts and culture instead of writing books about far away cities and attempt to promote them with tax payers money should instead concentrate on the job he gets paid for, maybe try and persuade his SNP council colleagues not to close libraries, or would that be a conflict of self- interests as he wants to charge people £25 for his Self indulgent turd of a book! 

Not the first time greedy Angus has had his snout in the trough … when he has the deputy leader under Sturgeon he claimed expenses for a whole home cinema set up (also a tv licence too) He said that the DVD player and recorder was "purchased to catch up with recorded political programmes and also has a built-in radio function"

Remember the tens of thousands of pounds in profit from the sale of his taxpayer-funded second home he said he would donate to charity upon its sale? Well it sold and he pocketed the cash! 

And let’s not forget SNP Tommy Shepard, one of only 3 applications out of 203 who got the full £250K payout from the covid fund for his comedy club in Edinburgh which he runs as a side line to his other comedy act which is the SNP… corrupt to the core 

Saturday, 23 October 2021

COP(out)26 Glasgow

 COP26, the 2021 United Nations Climate change conference comes to Glasgow next week Billed as “the world’s best last chance to get runaway climate change under control” like the 25 before it.

Due to lack of accommodations they are going to use a giant cruse ship as a floating hotel to help billet some of the 25’000 delegates and their hangers on. The ship MS Silja Europa is sailing in from Estonia to Glasgow with its 32000 kilowatt diesel which will burn through about 150 tons of diesel fuel each day which will give off roughly the same level of pollutants as approximately one million cars!! 

There is also another massive cruse ship being used which is already docked in King George the  5th dock in Glasgow after traveling in from Morocco for the event.

Each ship also emits around 450kg of ultra fine spot particles each day too I should maybe mention, and about 200’000 gallons of human sewage! 

I have not even talked about how many of the delegates will be arriving flying in from around the world. 

Glasgow is going to attempt and show some green credentials using electric cars to drive  the 120 visiting heads of state and their entourages between their hotels and the SECC venue as the buses and trains (and bin men) have taken this opportune time to go on strike) but they have now discovered there will not be enough charging points for all these electric cars so they also have brought in oil powered generators to assist! 

…and what will be achieved once this two weeks long jolly has run its course? The same result as the previous 25 which is heigh-ho…abso-fucking-lutely nothing!!

But hey, they will just come to the decision to add a couple more hundred £ to our gas and electric bills and road tax as a “Green subsidy”, pass a low that we can only burn even more “less” smoke producing fuel on our wood burners which costs more and heats less, then be forced to replace our gas boilers for some less heating efficient heat pump … but don’t worry, COP27 will just be around the corner for more arsehole decisions and in-between we more coal burning power stations opening up in China and a wee headbanger Swedish school dodger to lecture us on how we dare!    

Sunday, 17 October 2021

Scottish Squid Game

 Just finished watching Squid Game on Netflix, really good! The following will not make much sense if you have not seen it yet (do you live in a cave?) and perhaps even less sense if you never had a childhood growing up in Scotland as I do see some similarities with what we use to play as kids.

Red Light Green Light? Never heard of it as a kid, although it was similar to when the teacher in the classroom had her back to us whilst writing on the blackboard, that “green light” moment would sometimes prompt a rude hand gesture in her direction, usually the prongs but if she were to turn around catching the perpetrator in mid-action “red light” then the quick death of a snipers bullet to the head would have been more preferable than the wrath and punishment that would follow. 

Ppopgi, which was the honeycomb biscuit game …when we were kids we use to try and pick off the scabs on our knees trying not go get them to blood and peal them off in a “one’er” if we were successful then we could flick the disc of hardened blood towards the head of the kid sitting in front of us, if we failed then it would hurt like a bugger and get a bollocking of our mam when returning home “nae wonder that’s no healing with you picking at it aw the time” 

Marbles? We use to play a game called “chippy” flicking coins at a wall, the kid to get the closest would win the “pot”, many a loser lost their lunch money or had to walk home after betting and losing their bus fare.

Tug-of-war? Plenty times we push each other towards a dog shit on the pavement, the more agile gazelle like kids would dodge or gracefully hop over, the more heavy footed would either plough through it or splat right in the centre. Terrible trying to clean that brown mush from the treads of our Clarkes.

The actual Squid Game itself looks a wee bit familiar to Hopscotch, although it’s a lovely idyllic thought to believe we would be playing Hopscotch like wee Victorian urchins from a Charles Dickens novel but the truth of it was if we got our hands on a piece of chalk then more likely we’d be drawing a spurting phallus with two big hairy sacks using the playground tarmac as our canvas, but hey, these were our “cave paintings” to pass on elicit knowledge during a time where there was no such thing as internet porn, only wee Davy’s pack of exotica playing cards he smuggled back from his summer holiday in Spain. 

Friday, 15 October 2021

Green Menace to Scotland

 “We have… practical, costed policies for a fair and green recovery, nearly *all* of which we can implement under the current constitutional arrangement. We don’t need to wait for independence.” -Lorna Slater (pre-election)

“I don’t see how I can realistically talk about tackling the climate crisis when I don’t have the powers to do all those things.” - Lorna Slater (post-election)

That’s that shouty tree hugging moron from Canada that moved here and now wants to take our British citizenship (us in Scotland) away from us. She is the co-leader of the Green Party in Scotland with little toad faced Patrick Harvie. 

The Scottish Greens now have to position everything through the pro independent prism to satisfy their new political masters. It's totally negated both the message and their credibility

Nicola Sturgeon has taken these pair of turds and their Green Party into the SNP fold with a power sharing deal, a shameful attempt at a nationalist coalition of chaos focused on splitting up the country and dividing Scotland with another bitter referendum and of course Scottish government to present the thin veneer of strong pro-climate credentials before November’s COP26 in Glasgow…currently Garbage capital of Europe thanks to SNP mismanagement.

And let’s not ignore that it’s a disgusting attempt to manipulate pro-independence arithmetic at Holyrood as addition of seven Scottish Green seats will allow the Scottish government to comfortably pass legislation despite the majority of the Scottish electorate being against it (their party representatives being their voice now gaged)…in other words …a ONE PARTY STATE!

Just another Greedy Liar within the ranks of the lying Pretendy Scottish Govt! 

Who said things couldn’t get worse?

Wednesday, 13 October 2021

British Airways goes Woke

 Reading in the news that British Airways pilots have been told not to address passengers as ‘ladies and gentlemen’

3 or 4 years ago I would go out my way to use BA for one of my planned trips humming the Flower Duet from Delibe’s Lakme whilst entering my credit card details to complete my booking online. I always thought I was in safe hands flying with the UK’s flag carrier but times are a changing.  

I booked with them when I was planning my trip to Cuba about 4 years ago, when I heard, at Heathrow, my London to Havana leg would be using Virgin Atlantic instead of BA my initial feeling was disappointment but my fears were soon unfounded by their far more superior service from boarding the debarking …rated much higher in my opinion compared to BA, an opinion tread which was to continue with subsequent future travel arrangements.


BA has been in steady declining over the last few years, no complimentary drinks on short haul only M&S food for purchase at inflated prices to eat at your seat which as had its pitch reduced to the absolute minimum standard accepted by aviation law!

They are just like RyanAir now but more expensive and try to promote themselves on a reputation they no longer have. 

They won the race to the bottom and still claim a premium product. The product in no way shape or form can be considered "Premium"

BA is now truly one of the worst airways in the world, renowned for the smug, thin lipped rudeness of its staff (perhaps due to them getting all their airline benefits cut to the bone) 

The companies that make the decisions and choices the market likes will prosper, those that do not will shrivel and fail. No need for government or the media to pontificate.

The beauty of capitalism is…. diversity and as such we can choose to use the services of another airline which is not ran by a bunch of “woke” idiots who attempt to put critical race theory into practice after discussing over their coconut milk lattes in the boardroom! 

This is becoming symptomatic with many businesses and services in our country, it is being hijacked by the unelectable woke hypocritically arseholes!

It's far more worrying than it is being presented with what we read (if it’s The Guardian you read and BBC News you watch you are particularly vulnerable) 

These aren't just a few cranks , they are changing our culture by stealth and we cannot vote them out.

It’s regressive cowardice and hypocrisy tarted up as "progressivism” and it’s becoming all that more common. 

Tuesday, 12 October 2021

I Double Dare You Greta

 Although the U.K. is often castigated by the Saint Greta of Thunderbird (you know, that wee Swedish school dodger sock puppet from Sweden) we (the U.K.) are phasing out coal powered power stations.

Between 1970 and 2017, sulphur dioxide emissions in Britain plummeted by 97 per cent. Levels of particulate pollution – such as soot – fell by 73 per cent, nitrogen oxides by 72 per cent and volatile organic compounds by 66 per cent. Ammonia emissions have been reduced by 11 per cent since 1980.

It ain’t just coal power we are gradually eliminating. Lead in road fuel was eliminated in the late 1980s and 1990s. Catalytic converters from the 1990s onwards have removed a lot of other pollution from cars too.

All car manufacturers have become far better at stopping gases from fuel to escape into the atmosphere.

I am sure there will be a few people reading this (few is the readership of my blog right enough) who like myself have memories of their dads warming up the car (Ford cortina in our case) in the late 1970s to run them to school and the reek of petrol they gave off. They no longer do so! So with such progress why does the fore-mentioned Saint Greta come to these isles to do her preaching?  Here is an idea…get on your carbon yacht and set sail to China (with entourage and string pullers on a big jet to follow you) 

But I do think you could actually put forward a good ethical argument for investing in coal mining and oil exploration, the black stuff has, directly and indirectly brought light, heat and comfort to billions of people worldwide over the last two centuries as well as allowing backbreaking toil to be largely done away with for most people in the advanced world( do a bit reading on the industrial revolution) Two hundred years ago working people could live their entire lives without leaving the parish they were born in now they can travel the world thanks to coal and the advancements it has created …bless these fossil fuels they have paved the way for the modern world none of which would have been possible without the burning of coal…without coal we may never have heard of Greta Thunberg. 

Yet shouldn’t this wee Swedish truant be shouting her revelations and big licks with her “how dare you” in China as it is the world’s biggest polluter, responsible for 27 per cent of global emissions of greenhouse gases and that’s about to get worse with coal consumption is on track to increase this year by around ten per cent as is currently building new coal plants at more than 60 locations across the country.

But let’s also give them their dues which is that they produce more solar power than any other country (they are seeking to corner the global market in many green technologies) But fossil fuels still account for 85 per cent of energy used, and coal represents 57 per cent of that so let’s no get too carried away with saying China has green credentials which is about as popular across there as their human rights! 

To out china’s coal use in a wee bit  perspective here give they already have more than 1,000 gigawatts of coal power and another 105 gigawatts soon to be added. Britain’s ENTIRE electricity generational capacity is about 75 gigawatts…China now burns half the world’s coal.

Dear Greta, I don’t think you’d get the same attention (or your mammy and daddy get as much money) if you were to cry through your outrage in Tiananmen Square for frog faced Xi Jinping!  But I dare you to go there Greta, I double dare you (that’s how I dare you) 

Perhaps you may get ran over by one of his tanks… that may pollute the tarmac a bit with your blood and giblets but think of the cover of The Times magazine…surely that would get you a Post Humorous Nobel prize? …and the Tiananmen Square People's Liberation Army cleaning lady a headache untangling your ponytail braids from the tracks of the tank!

Mention it to your handlers Greta , it’s got a modern day Joan of Arc vibe to it … I am sure they could convince you … perhaps pull a few strings! 

Ben & Jerry Hypocrisy


Ben & Jerry, the overpriced Ice Cream manufacturer has announced trumpeted their foray into Middle Eastern politics by banning the sale of their product in occupied Palestine…..Because depriving the Israeli settlers of Chunky Monkey & Chocolate Fudge Brownie will be the tipping point resolving this many years old conflict! 

The pair of auld fannies announced in July that it will stop selling its products in what it called “Occupied Palestinian Territory,” presumably the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The move will come as Ben & Jerry’s license deal with its local franchise ends at the end of 2022, and will not be renewed.

I wonder what their next plans will be to demonstrate their capitalist woke’ness? 

Perhaps in support of Palestine’s elected political party Hamas they will stop selling two scoops of the same flavour or start collecting empty cartons of Häagen-Dazs from the buckets to strategically litter outside their shop on the pavement for the dissemination  of propaganda to claim that Häagen-Dazs eaters have no respect for the environment.

Woke Capitalism at its hypocritical best…when did Ben And Jerry’s become the moral referee for far-flung conflicts? Woke nonsense for the cheap seats! They have been reported for exploiting migrant workers and their parent company Unilever has been manufacturing and selling skin-whitening cream in India…. Hypocrisy with a big H! 

When recently interviewed they were asked why they would continue to sell ice cream in the US state of Georgia, which has restrictions on voting, and Texas with its recent anti-abortion law.

“Why are you still selling there?” they were asked about Georgia and Texas. Neither said anything for long seconds, then Cohen said: “I don’t know. It’s a good question. I don’t know what that would accomplish.” He shrugged and repeated, “I don’t know. I think you ask a really good question and I think I’d have to sit down and think about it for a bit.” 

Perhaps this pair of Statler and Waldorf looking arseholes would like to have a look at their parent company,through the same virtue signalling prism, the big company who they choose to sell their business to but which they still remain remain part of generating massive Income for …Unilever.

Unilever…Worst rating for animal testing policy

Unilever…constantly lobby for free trade at the expense of the environment, animal welfare, human rights or health protection.

Unilever…workers from their Durban, South Africa plant peacefully picketed at the Unilever facility in the city over Unilever’s unethical practices, private security hired by Unilever attacked the protesters by shooting rubber bullets at then and using pepper spray (a complaint was filed with the UN) 

…I could go on but you get the general idea, Ben and Jerry basically sold their soul to the devil and want you to believe they are a pair of lovely caring auld men looking out for others …woke hypocrisy at its best! 

Monday, 11 October 2021

When The Circus Comes To Town

I have seen photos doing the rounds on social media of the recent (and past) Scottish independence march(s) and many of the participating folk certainly appear to be colourful characters to say the least! Many would not seem out of place at a Lord of the Rings cosplay. I sometimes wonder what is going through their heads when they paint their faces blue to look like that Aussie actor in that historically inaccurate movie and fasten on their Chinese manufactured kilts, the one thing that I can safely say that’s not going on him their heads in logical sense based on widely available facts … but it’s all good fun I’m sure, as long as they were not to carry that craziness into the voting booth but sadly that is not the case.

To paraphrase a clinical psychologist’s view , these folk have serious issues that they are avoiding so they adopt pseudo moralistic stances on large scale social issues in the attempt to make themselves look good to their mates.

In this case it’s shouting out that all of Scotland’s woes are Westminster’s fault and Independence will solve everything, overlooking the fact that what is already devolved is failing and being ran down at an alarming rate by a Scottish Government who already have many of these so called “levers of power” but choose not to use them as they’d rather mouth off about Westminster and a conservative government which deflect from the scrutiny of their own failings and greed, also adding their corruption which on inspection has overtaken anything they can accuse Westminster of! 

Sunday, 10 October 2021

Evil has a Name and it’s called Sturgeon

 “Back to the nursing home auld fellas and take one for the team! With the Nationalist Eugenics program there will be a few blue on blues but demographically we will get the electorate parameters set in our favour” …you can just imagine the vile Nicola Sturgeon saying that to this happy trio of Scottish independence supporters in the photo at the head of this post, especially considering one of her latest comments saying that time was on her side.

Statistically the older generation, the very people who fought for this country in a world  war with (other) facist Nationalists, vote NO to Scottish Independence and the SNP have been attempting to brainwash the younger generation, dumb them down with a decaying devolved education system and bribe them with promised freebies! 

You could be excused for believing that eugenics are being used in Scotland by Sturgeon to narrow down the demographics of the electorate to the age group she believes she needs reduce to get the best chance of a Yes vote …after sticking the elderly from hospitals into care homes without being tested I would not put it passed her!

Covid kills off a higher ration of the elderly and now we learn that she has covered up one of the earliest outbreaks of Covid in Scotland (see my previous post) 

As she said “time is on her side” but people will soon wise up to her … perhaps when your wee son returns from primary school as a wee girl!

This monstrous Sturgeon creature would be out pouring water on the pavements during a big freeze if she thought she would get rid of the elderly who vote NO.

Her mismanagement over Covid in Scotland has cost lives … but of course she will survive it because she has a following like a modern day Jim Jones which will close rank when she is threatened even though she has been dishing out the Kool Aid to the old and attempting to brainwash the young to reach her goal!

Even many supports of independence (which you know I’m not one) are turning against her as they now are getting to know that it’s not necessarily mutually inclusive their desire for Indy and support of the SNP clowns. 

I have this  Sturgeon beast right up there was Mao and Stalin, just comparative with a smaller country which we are! 

Anyone who still wants to go out and clap for this piece of dung will probably have a shrine for Myra Hindley in their homes because it’s an evil they support no two ways about it!