Friday, 7 May 2021

Crumbling Scotland

 I have heard of the term Stockholm Syndrome but Scotholm syndrome is a newly minted term up here north of the border of the U.K. as the election results come in here in Scotland.

The SNP’s dumbing down of the electorate is almost complete as they start winning seats over Scotland again as the political map of Scotland slowly turns yellow like pish seeping out the trouser leg of an auld Jakey* (Jakey is a Scottish slang work for a drunk, if you have a look at the SNP’s line up you will see a few examples amongst that bunch of clowns) 

Take for example Dundee, the drug capital of Scotland, the electorate there have just re-elected the guy sacked for overseeing the worst drug death figures in the whole of Europe.

Joe Fitzpatrick....Talk about turkeys voting for Christmas.

The recent developments just prove the theory up here that if you put a yellow rosette on the must retarded, window licking fool a large portion of the electorate of Scotland will place a cross by their name (the way the education system is going in Scotland many will soon be signing their name with a cross up here too)

Now the sad state is if you ask the vast majority of SNP supporters why they vote these buffoons in they will claim it’s to take back control in Scotland from Westminster by becoming independent and once (if) independent the SNP propose rejoining the EU but how leaving a table of 4 countries which the union is then sitting at the table of 27 countries which is the EU with less of a voice is independence I don’t know but then the SNP (and many of their supporters) motto appears to be “Conclusion before Debate” ... in fact there is no debate because as soon as you start one up they chirp in with their best impression of their presumption of patriotism but claiming you are “talking Scotland down!” As if they are the Jacobite rising! ....and that’s the ones who even talk to us, many can’t even pluck up courage to debate and unfriend or block you from their social media as they need an echo chamber to only hear ideas they are comfortable with otherwise they shit the bed! 

And let’s give a shout out for the “Hampden wing” of Scottish Nationalism, so insecure with anyone questioning their comfort blanket of self-assured Scottish patriotism they are soon to call you a “quisling” thus overlooking the dark history of their own SNP who were attempting to make deals with the Nazis whilst the Luftwaffe were bombing the rest of the U.K. 

They simply can’t engage in debate without recourse to emotive rollox

Their looks lack of  intelligence is staggering...gwapple me gwapenuts as David Bellamy would say-watch it wallow in mud as with no intelligent argument.

Totally clueless on economy, any cost benefit analysing has came up wanting, totally ignorant of GERs and the Institute of Fiscal studies (spoiler ... Scotland would be a financial basket case breaking up from the U.K. with the debt it has and the level of austerity they would need to apply is eye watering) 

The SNP have been in power for 14 years dominating the shortbread senate and holding Scotlands baws in a vice, pre-election they were pledging a load of spending they could have done anytime really, lots of promises for chance and improvements they have not done over the past 14 years but all of a sudden they say they will if you are naive enough to believe then and sell them your soul...Jam tomorrow pish.

Existential nationalism attempting to pass itself off as utilitarian, the SNP talk a good game but the facts say much different. 

The SNP being voted in again is a retrograde development, we are going backwards, it’s shameful and I am very sad for Scotland, the country of my birth and my home, it’s crumbling due to pure flag waving Nationalist politics.