Biden has just signed on “on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity”
Basically what it means is that your biological gender and whatever gender you feel are now the same and by law in America should be treated equally.
Now boys who identify as girls will soon be able to use girls’ changing rooms, even if girls using those facilities feel uncomfortable about this!
This also means that trans-woman can complete against biological woman in sports..... stop and think about this and the impact it will have on sports scholarships, bursaries and grants that relies upon sporting prowess and achievements.
Some of the poorer kids in the states only can afford to attend college through a sports scholarship, so for example a not so well off girl from a poor family may still be able to attend college as it will be paid for her if a talent evaluation considers her a good enough athlete by winning at her chosen sport. Now consider that men can out-perform women at about 95% of sports
An example of this is Serena Williams at her peak was the best women's tennis player ever produced, and she likely wouldn't have beat any man in the top 50, probably not even top 100
So should women & girls should quit whining, put a smile on their face & try harder? Because you are not going to beat a bloke who has had the bone density and muscular advantage of testosterone raging through his body for mist of his life, even if he were to start taking testosterone blockers now to reduce his hormones to a lower level this advantage (like sports enhancing drugs) has already been coursing through his system for years building his foundations to kick your arse if the sport you have been flogging your guts most your life for is advantageous to be stronger at with muscles and bones and tendons .... which for most sports this is an advantage.
‘Biden Erased Women’ is now trending on Twitter. The very laws that were established to protect the rights of girls to single sex toilets, changing rooms and sports are now soon to be turned upside down by presidential decree. Legislation that was intended to protect the rights of girls to single-sex provision could now make single-sex services impossible.
Check some of my previous posts where I have wrote about the dangers of this before soon to become realities across the post.
This is anything but progressive!!