Reading an interesting point about Trump’s Impeachment which
so far only been done by a vote in The House of Representatives which has a Democrat
majority of 232 Democrats to 198 Republicans (1 independent & 4 seats
vacant) During the House impeachment vote on Article 1 (Trump’s Abuse of Power)
230 voted Yes 197 voted NO, on Article 2
(Trump’s Obstruction of Congress) 229 voted Yes and 198 voted NO…. majority
vote carries when done in the House of Representatives for Trump to be
Impeached here but the next step is for The House to appoint a team of
lawmakers known as Managers who will play the role of Prosecutors in the Senate
trail to which the Senate would serve as the Jury.
Now the Senate has a slight Republican majority of 53 seats
to 45 Democrat seats (2 seats Independent) …and
for Trump to be found guilty (then removed from Office) a conviction would
require 2-thirds vote on one or more of the articles
……and here is the interesting part, according to
the 22nd Amendment, if a US President has been impeached in the
House (as Trump has been) but not convicted by the Senate (slim chance Trump
will get convicted by the Senate if it goes this far) the that President’s
first term is nullified and they (in this case Trump) would be eligible to run
for Office (the Presidency) two more times!
So……with this is mind I think we can understand why Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the United
States House of Representatives and a Democrat has not yet (as time of me writing
this) delivered the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for them to
issue a summons to Trump and progress onto the Trial.
The BBC News is reporting (yesterday 20th) that “US
President Donald Trump has demanded an immediate impeachment trial in the
Senate, amid an impasse among Democrats and Republicans over when it may start” ....I can now understand why if he is to consider a 3rd term in the future.
In a series of tweets, the president accused the Democrats
of not wanting to go to trial because their "case is so bad".....I can also understand why
This is certainly not a Pro or against Trump post I have published, the point of this post is to draw attention to the irony of
the Lefties, many Democrats and Trump haters celebrating prematurely his “impeachment”
yet not understanding the unlikelihood of a conviction by the Senate if it even
goes that far and how if it does then old Donald will probably get off then be
able to annoy them even more by being eligible to be President of the United
States for 3 terms and not 2 which is the current (constitution enforced and which limited Leftie poster-boy Obama)
limit! Also consider the campaign fodder
he will have against the Democrats wasting tax money (dollars) if (and probably
when) this all flops either by progressing no further or found not guilty by the
Footnote….Trump is accused of (Article 1) having withheld
$400m (£307m) of military aid to Ukraine already allocated by Congress, and a
White House meeting for Ukraine's new president, until Ukraine looked into
potentially damaging material on Joe and Hunter Biden (Hunter worked for a
Ukrainian company when Joe Biden was US vice-president) also (Article 2) of
obstructing Congress by refusing to co-operate with the congressional inquiry.