Monday, 10 July 2017
Multiverses (and Donald Duck)
Love this cartoon which is a parody of multi-verse theory.
"And in each universe, there's a copy of you witnessing one or the other outcome, thinking — incorrectly — that your reality is the only reality," Greene wrote in "The Hidden Reality."
So if there is infinite universes then there is a version of you out there just now praying to your god who is Donald Duck (and his disciples Huey, Dewey, and Louie) who was crucified for your sins (possibly nailed up by Elmer Fudd)
Every someday you will worship him by attend the church of the later day duck, and take communion served by a giant Goofy aided by little nervous looking duckling alter boys, served his body (crispy duck pancake) and his blood (hoisin sauce)
Do you think this concept is loony tunes or "quackers"? Then you really don't comprehend either the theory of multiverse or understand the true meaning of infinite, or both.
We don't understand the meaning of infinity, we can't truly comprehend it with our small primate brains. Our brains are not wired up to understand really and truly what infinity really means.
Multiverse theory with infinite universes is being taken very seriously in science and gaining momentum. This is one reason science is so fascinating and we live in interesting times!!!! And to fry the Brian even more, perhaps (well certainly as its infinite) in a certain universe with different laws of nature Donald Duck is God, creator and overseer (and not an absent landlord) so then in that universe your religion is certifiably sane. There will also be wars in another universe with believers in Bugs Bunny fighting and blowing up Donald Duck believers, and perhaps the Roadrunner believers will be pacifists.....everything happens in the infinite multiverses
Me may think this is too far fetched, of course its hard to even consider, but remember ...only 400 years ago Giordano Bruno had his tongue nailed to his jaw bone to stop him talking as he was dragged out (by the catholic church) to be burnt alive for suggestions that the earth was not the centre of the universe. Much like Galileo Galilei who had to recant what he was saying or face a similar fate. Its only in1992, after 12 years of deliberations, the Roman Catholic Church grudgingly admitted that Galileo Galilei had been right in supporting the theories of Copernicus, we only consider ourselves living in enlighten times because of perspectives of the past.
I would certainly urge you to read up about the Multi-verse theory, it will blow your mind, you will feel like your tripping when you start to partially understand the meaning of this. Read Brian Green's excellent book "The hidden reality"as a starter...
We truly have so much to understand and so little time to do so, why oh why do we waste so much time of believing in fairies when we already understand the cause of thunder and can find a candle in science to light up the shadows of our understanding of nature and attempt to grasp the challenges that lay beyond.
Saturday, 1 July 2017
Alan Turing
Some photos taken recently in Manchester, a memorial to an amazing genius (and atheist) Alan Turing. If you have seen the movie The Imitation Game
you will know something about this great man. He died 7th June 1954 Cyanide poisoning, it's believed he committed suicide, later in life his mind was unbalanced because he was forced to take synthetic hormones or go to jail because he was a homosexual which was against the law during these times (Christian values from an Iron Age fairy tale book which impacts upon the laws of a nation)
His death at the time went almost unnoticed but deserved so much recognition for the lives this man saved during world war 2 by cracking German ciphers thus helping the allies win over the Germans during the battle for the Atlantic and helping to win the war.
We have a lot to thank this man for, he also designed the first chess program in 1954.
After the war he was pivotal in designing the first storage computers at Manchester university (where I took these photos) so everyone should thank this guy when your scrolling through Facebook or shopping online (or curse him on a Monday morning when your pc at work fails to boot up :)
A truly remarkable man who died 16 days before this 42 birthday due to persecution from a government who he helped save from the Nazi boot!!
At the outbreak of World War Two, Alan joined the Government Codes and Cypher School at Bletchley Park. He worked on breaking the code for the German Enigma machine, a device for sending coded messages to units of the German forces. Alan developed a machine (the Bombe) which helped break the code. He also went on to break the Naval Enigma, an even more complicated machine. His wartime services helped to win the war, but his work was so secret that very few people were aware of the importance of what he had done at Bletchley Park.
The buildings in which Alan Turing worked to crack the Enigma code during the Second World War belongs to British Telecom and the Bletchley Park Trust was formed to maintain the site as a museum. Next year it will be the UK’s first National College of Cyber Security after a £5m restoration. It will be a free boarding college and will select gifted students aged 16 to 19, and house some of the most advanced cyber test and demonstration facilities in the world.
BT will be among the UK cybersecurity experts who will inform the syllabus. Students will also study maths, computer science and physics. From 2017 there will also be a £50m investment fund to support cybersecurity businesses.
On Alan's monument there is a apple in his hand which represents Newton and knowledge or does it represent the apple he eat which was laced with cyanide which he eat to die?
An interest in the interesting
I have been fascinated with science for many year, firstly it was with evolutionary Biology reading the books of Richard Dawkins starting with The Selfish Gene, but then I guess my interests were even before that, watching documentaries, especially The Blue Planet which was amazing and ground breaking when made.
Recently within the last 4 or 5 years I have been taking more of an interest in cosmology and the physics behind the workings of the universe and the laws of nature. Its truly fascinating, i struggle with some of the concepts behind it all, the more I read the more I realise i don't know, much I don't understand and have to re-read, the more I know the more I realise what an ego-centric existence me lead with our petty squabbles not realising how insignificant be are, just a mustard burp in time but then again i see the magnificence of it all and feel in awe, its truly humbling to (attempt) to comprehend what is out there (and in there if i read about the Quantium Realms)
Why do we need religion any more now we have science to explain things? We have that candle to light up the shadows in this world and yet some groups still won't let go of the apron strings on belief in a God.
Just take for example the planet Earth, the sphere we call home. The easiest place to study as we live here right upon it. So beautifully simple yet so confusingly complicated. Its so far the only planet we know of that supports life. 7 Billion people call the Earth home ands over 10 million SPECIES of animals and plants upon it. The surface area of last is about 29 percent, the rest taken up with oceans, and upon that surface area there are about 200 countries, within these man made boundaries there has been over 4000 religions over the 10 thousand years of human history and countless wars due to some people wanting to increase the number of countries or decrease the number of religions, we find it impossible to live in peace. For such a small world orbiting a ordinary star in a nothing special galaxy we are not very well organised. There has been just over 500 humans who have been high enough to see our home, the Earth from space against the tapestry of stars and when they do something magical happens to them all. They return with a description not of segregation and complexity, but of unity and simplicity.
One of my favourite quotes is from Frank Borman, Gemini 7, Apollo 8, I saw this quote on the big backdrop during a Brian Cox tour this year in both Edinburgh and later in Glasgow.....
"when you're finally up there at the moon looking back on earth, all these differences and nationalistic traits are pretty well going to blend, and you're going to get a concept that maybe this really is one world and why the hell can't we learn to live together like decent people"
Such people like frank are not making whimsical comments, these are statements from humans whose experience has given them a different perspective.
We can't all be astronauts, but we have the ability top read, to search out answers, we open a science book and read the contents, it lifts us up mentally not physically, and gives us that perspective we need. Be like a child, open your eyes and pay attention to the small things, don't be led by prejudice and hate, look for what you don't understand then find out the answers, search for regularities in nature then try to understand their origin and how the laws apply to other aspects. Read Darwin, Sagan, Feynman, Hawkin, Dawkin, Al-Khalili and Einstein, you may not understand it at first, I certain didn't, and some aspects I still don't but this is the fun of it, you re-read, you attend lectures, you search on the internet, you load the apps on your smart phones lay in the garden at night and use it to name the stars! Go to book festivals and listen to philosophers, scientists and travellers, watch square one debates on youtube, come out your comfort zone and speak up or shout down bad ideas which are contagious. We all have a duty to ourselves to learn, every day is a school day, there is a hidden reality, sub-atomic or cosmic sized you need to be at least aware of it.
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