Friday, 31 May 2013

Time spent in Carandiru

Candiru, the vampire fish from the Brazil (also known as toothpick fish) These smaller species are known for an tendency to invade and parasitise the human urethra (Jap’s eye on a guys private parts for the anatomically unawares amongst us) or the vaginal canal in a lady were it then opens out its spines which are like external  spikes  and wedges itself in place and can only be extracted by operation (or amputation on some guys is the early days…does not bare thinking about) It is attracted to urine, as the candiru's primary prey emits urea (chemical compound similar to pee) from its gills. (Just dont pee in the water if you go for a swim in a lake in Brazil)
Candiru fish

Just to make this clear…this post is about my experience with Carandiru (the prison) not Candiru (the fish) …just hate to get them mixed up, not that what was once the largest jail in South America would ever fit up my urethra, that would just be an idle boast.
I kid you not

Carandiru Penitentiary was a notorious prison located in São Paulo, Brazil. It was operational from 1956 to 2002 and, at its peak, was South America's largest penitentiary, housing over 8,000 inmates. Best remembered for the 1992 Carandiru massacre. The incident was sparked by inmate revolt, and police made little to no effort to negotiate with prisoners. Military police were eventually sent to the facility, as prison guards were unable to control the situation. One-hundred-and-eleven prisoners died that day, 102 of whom were shot by police, with the remaining nine victims succumbing to stab wounds presumably inflicted by other prisoners prior to police arriving. Surviving inmates claim that police opened fire on inmates who had surrendered, or were hiding inside of their cells. The incident is considered one of the worst civil rights violations in the history of Brazil, and the operation's commanding officer was sentenced to 632 years in jail for his horrendous mishandling of the situation, though his sentence was voided. He was assassinated in September of 2006. Carandiru was demolished in December of 2002 but lucky me was able to visit it before being knocked down, although all the inmates had already been transferred by this time (so no tales of required soap on a rope for this Gringo)
Welcome to Carandiru

 I was able to have a wander around and take a few pictures. Also worth mentioning there is also an excellent  film (Brazilian but with English subtitles) made and released in 2003 by director Hector Babenco, it’s based on the book “Estação Carandiru” by Dr. Drauzio Varella, a physician and AIDS specialist, who is portrayed in the film by Luiz Carlos Vasconcelos

Someone had stole the doors for scrap..Honestly!! the place is full of thiefs!!

It’s a very creepy experience walking around the prison, there is graffiti on the walls, still posters clinging to the walls and believe it or not I even found a “homemade” bomb lying around. This is not a tourist attraction by any means and although just a hop off the metro train it is a deserted place with no sign of life, not even a bird chirping. No a place to a softy gringo like myself to hang around too long but very interesting considering its history.
"Homemade" Bomb found in jail
I decided not to use the lift and took the stairs
No exactly Disnay
Dream on
Not really 5 star stay

Wednesday, 29 May 2013


I have been looking for a decent pre-workout  energy drink to give me more “ommppphhh” when attending the gym and from my “research” I decided to give “RAGE 2.0” by Matrix Nutrition a try at £19.99 for a 250g tub.
The burb on the tub reads “New 250G Matrix Rage 2:0 Pre-Workout energy drink. Tropical Punch Matrix Rage 2.0 gives you the desire and ability to lift more weights than ever before, muscle ripping pumps and the mind blowing, lasting energy needed for extreme workouts.” Well the ingredients looked good, not too high in insulin-soaring sugars so I would not “crash and burn” after the initial 40 minutes surge I have experienced in the past with other drinks.
Well I was working a backshift due to start work that day in Edinburgh at 13:30 so was planning to hit Banatynes  gym at the retail park in Falkirk just before 9am so drunk 3 heaped scoops of the powder mixed with 250ml of water on an empty far so good, took a few amino acid tablets in the changing room for some protein and started my usual routine which is mostly cardio doing wind sprints at various speeds and inclines on the treadmill for 30 mins, all was fine, slowed up and stepped off but then felt very faint, my heart was pumping, my head was spinning and I thought I was going to conk out, made for the changing room, got my bag from the locker, drunk lots of water and headed home feeling slightly better in the fresh air but my heart was still pounding and feeling shaking but at least upright and not feeling like I was going to keel over at any moments.
I read the contents label of the powder and each scoop contains 300mgs of caffeine, I took 3 heaped scoops so silly me ingested over a gram of caffeine so no wonder I was feeling as high as a kite. On the plus side I got all my house work finished that morning, ironed my clothes, cleaned the parrot’s cage but still had this over spill of excess energy and the shakes, the neighbours  must have thought I was crazy jumping up and down on the trampoline in the garden like Zebedee at a rave and wandering around like a “jackey” on giro day…lol, also mowed my lawn, the only thing is I could not sit still to concentrate so could not attend my work, never slept that night and took some serious cramps but was back to normal 2 days later.
The moral of this tale is always read the label first!! When it comes to common sense don’t follow my example. Now I take just one levelled scoop which is good enough to energise me through a session at the gym.
Rage II Amount Per scoop:
825mg Beta-Alanine (3-Aminopropanoic acid)
600mg Alpha-Keto-Glutarate (2-Oxopentanedioic acid)
300mg Taurine (2-aminoethanesulfonic acid)
300mg Caffeine (1,3,7 trimethylxanthine)
250mg Citruline Malate (2-Amino-5-(carbamoylamino)pentanoic acid)
45mg Niacin (pyridine-3-carboxylic acid) 
12.5mg Citrus Aurantium

Matrix rage II contains no c**p and thats guaranteed! It contains only the most pure, pharmaceutical grade compounds available to form a world leading pre-workout supplement.

Rage II Black Box Warning:
Rage produces intense drive, focus, energy, motivation & awareness. In addition, it allows for rapid increases instrength, speed, power & endurance. Therefore, extreme caution must be exercised & should not be used by novice athletes.

Hooked on Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica is Science fiction created by Glen Larson orignaly a TV series screen in 1978, then a sequel on the TV in 1980. A remake was made and aired in 2003 which ran five seasons between 2004 and 2009, some tv movies..Razor in 2007 and The plan in 2009 also a prequel called Caprica in 2010 and some spin offs including Blood & Chrome aired on February 10, 2013. All Battlestar Galactica productions share the premise that in a distant part of our galaxy, a human civilization has extended to a group of planets known as the Twelve Colonies, to which they have migrated from their ancestral homeworld of Kobol. The Twelve Colonies have warred for decades with a cybernetic race known as the Cylons, whose goal is the extermination of the human race. The Cylons offer peace to the humans, which proves to be a ruse. With the aid of a human named Baltar , the Cylons carry out a massive attack on the Twelve Colonies and on the Colonial Fleet of starships that protect them. These attacks devastate the Colonial Fleet, lay waste to the Colonies, and virtually destroy their populations. Scattered survivors flee into outer space aboard available spaceships. Of the entire Colonial battle fleet, only the Battlestar Galactica, a gigantic battleship and spacecraft carrier (analogous to an aircraft carrier), appears to have survived the Cylon conflagration. Under the leadership of Commander Adama, the Galactica and the pilots of "Viper" fighters lead a fugitive fleet of survivors in search of the fabled thirteenth colony known as Earth.
The remake (which I own on Blu-Ray, all 5 seasons on 20 discs ,well techinacaly its 4 sessons and the final sesson which is another 10 episodes of sesson 4) is especially good. The writers superbly weave in politics, religion, action, and excellent character work, bringing together an outstanding company of actors. Some of the characters in BSG are terrifically portrayed (the Commander and his number two, the President, the utterly nuts scientist chap), though perhaps too many of the human survivors appear to be twenty-something Californians (yes, I realise that some are English). Special effects are faultless and there's a well-handled mix of personal drama with that epic space shooting stuff. You don't need to be a fan of Sci-Fi to become engrossed in this - It really is that good. There are no aliens in BSG, but there are artificially intelligent robots (Cylons), who have evolved into exact physical copies of humans. As the episodes go by, more of them are revealed (to a total of 12 models), but we start out with two - one of whom is living on Battlestar Galactica and is unaware of what she is - another of whom appears as a hallucination in the head of a main character. There is space travel, but in a stroke of genius by the creators of this series, everything apart from weapons and engines is lower tech than the average viewer's house - telephones are on wires, computer screens are very basic, there is no techno babble (you'll very quickly pick up that FTL = Faster Than Light and DRADIS = RADAR and that's it).
If you were a fan of the original series, you need to know that this is a re-imagining of the story - hence character names are re-used in different contexts, different genders, different relationships. Starbuck is a woman. Get over it. You will often hear the phrase "this has all happened before and it will all happen again" - which starts out as a nod to the original series, but later comes to mean something different entirely. This is not the original BSG - it is darker and has some very heavy storylines - and rather than compare two things that aren't as alike as you might think, it's best to simply appreciate their differences.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Nosferatu...puts twilight to shame

I love horror movies, I love cinema and old movies and recently I dimmed the lights, covered the parrots cage, popped my popcorn and re-warched one of the best vampire movies ever made...Nosferatu....even the name chills the spine!!

Firstly I wish to point out that the DVD version was a restoration. The film is presented in its original format, which has been painstakingly restored. First of all, it features the German intertitles, both originals and imitations designed to look like the originals, all very stylish, and with optional English subtitles. In addition, the image has been digitally remastered. It is cleared of scratches and stains to a very high degree, and has been stabilised so as not to jerk sideways where frames have come to be slightly misaligned due to the print's age. It has also been digitally retouched for consistent brightness, which means it has very little of the usual flickering of old films. The film version i watched had been tinted which slightly disappointed me as I wanted to see it in its orignial glory far as black and white goes and dont know what producers decide to add shades to colour to these old movies!!

The music is  as authentic as it gets. Though no recording of the original score by Hans Erdmann was made at the time (all screenings being accompanied by live performances), the music suite used has been historically reconstructed, and it is such a reconstruction that has been recorded for this DVD (by the Radio Symphony Orchestra Saarbruecken, conducted by Berndt Heller). It is beautiful IMHO. Truly is a classic of cinema brought back to life, I hope they release it on Blu-ray soon as I am not aware they have yet!!.

The film itself is a classic, scary and atmospheric, probably my favourite incarnation of Dracula (dont even talk about that sh*t called twilight, Dracula, as a character, is meant to repulsive. He is a fiend, a demon from Hell and a monster first and foremost not some handsome teenager  ), its also an added bonus that the characters in this film have the original names from the novel in this edition. Max Schrek did a fabulous job, right down to the lack of blinking, the stiff movement becoming suddenly frighteningly swift and smooth when he swoops in for Ellen (Mina). To this day Nosferatu, made in 1922 is without doubt one of the best vampire movies ever made

A Telephony Phone Call from A- to B (if only that simple)

As I work for British telecom I have the knowledge how a call routes across the network from one yogurt carton along a piece of string to the other...if only if was that simple.  Next time you report a fault to your telecom provider reporting noise when calling your Uncle Bill please be patient for it to be resolved as the routining across the network is not as simple as some people may think.
Well here is some information that I produced for a training session a couple of years ago, perhaps interesting for the nerds and useful for the mandatory techie part of my blog in the attempt to make myself sound more clever than what I really am :-)
 A (regular) customer’s line runs underground or overhead on poles to the local BT building. While this building is often known as "the exchange", in actual fact it might well not be. All the lines in an area terminate on a large patchboard known as the Main Distribution Frame (MDF). A second set of wires run from the MDF to the switching unit in the building. For the majority of lines this unit is a Remote Concentrator Unit (RCU), while some lines terminate on a co-located concentrator (usually in the same building as the DLE, this is the same for a AXE10 as they use an RSS and a SSS for co-located)
 Usual maximum size of a CCR/RSS is 2048 customers, served by Mk1 or 2 CCR which has max of 8 DPH links, to a MK3 which has a max of 16 DPH links. (same for RSS). The big Mk3 sites tend to deal with ISDN customers. There is a new developed CCR which has up to 32 DPH links, but these are quite rare. The RCU can connect calls between two subscribers, or it can connect a subscriber line to a DLE link. There are 6941 RCUs of three different types: 4339 Marconi System Xs, 2137 Ericsson AXE10s, and 465 UXD5s. Most RCUs are located in villages or in small towns, but a number are in the same building as the DLE that controls
 There are 770 DLEs around the UK, consisting of 559 System Xs and 211 AXE10s (note that System Xs and AXE10s perform a number of different roles in the network). Each DLE has its own subscribers and also controls one or more RCUs, for a total of 30 to 40 thousand lines. The DLE controls all calls made between those subscribers, as well as taking part in calls to and from elsewhere. DLEs are not spread evenly across the country - indeed there are 149 in London but only 21 in the whole of Northern Ireland. Rather, they are distributed to match the density of lines. A building in a major town may well have two or three DLEs, each with its own cluster of RCUs. These will not necessarily divide the locality geographically - it's possible for adjacent villages to be on different DLEs while those far apart may be on the same one. Similarly, there is not necessarily a connection between DLE and dialling code: all four of the DLEs in Cambridge have both 01223 and 01954 numbers on them, and at least one has 01353, 01440, 01553, 01638, and 01842 numbers as well
 A System X switch is a unit that has a MDF and trunks to other switches. Therefore an RCU is a switch that only connects to its DLE, while a DLE is a switch that connects to many other switches, including RCUs
With the AXE10, on the other hand, the MDF is connected to a separate switching unit called the SSS. The SSS can be either physically attached to the switch (in which case it is called a CSS) or can be sited remotely (in which case it is called an RSS). In both cases calls within the SSS can be switched directly or at the DLE. Thus all calls are switched in the same way whether or not the MDF is attached to the DLE or an RSS.
 Where a call is being made to a subscriber on a different DLE from the caller, it needs to travel over some kind of link between DLEs. In theory all DLEs could be connected to one another, but this would be wasteful of links (there would be over a quarter of a million such links). Alternatively calls could be relayed from DLE to DLE (as was done in the days of manual operators), but this would take up a lot of the processing power of the DLEs.
Instead there is a second network of switches, known as the CORE NETWORK.                 This network is made up of four kinds of switch:
          76 Digital Main Switching Units (DMSUs). These are the original long-distance exchanges; they are System X switches with the capacity to handle 30,000 simultaneous calls each. Every DMSU is connected to all the other DMSUs; obviously this involves a much smaller number of links than would be required to link together the DLEs.
          16 Wide Area Tandems (WATs). A WAT is used to connect calls within a region, rather than longer-distance calls. While WATs are connected to other switches in the network, this links are less important. In particular, a WAT is not connected to all the DMSUs or even all the other WATs.
          13 Digital Junction Switching Units (DJSUs). These are additional switches in the London area that allow traffic between London DLEs to be routed without taking up the capacity of the DMSUs and WATs.
          63 Next Generation Switches (NGSs). These are newer switches that are gradually replacing the DMSUs and WATs, many of which have now reached the limits of their capacity. An NGS is a modified AXE10 capable of handling either 60,000 or 120,000 simultaneous calls (depending on configuration).
As well as all of these, there are also a certain number of inter-DLE links, particularly between DLEs in the same physical building.

 Of course, BT is not the only telephone company in the UK. There are a range of Other Licensed Operators (OLOs) who also carry telephone calls. In order that calls can be transferred from BT to the OLO or vice versa, it is obviously necessary for the two networks to be connected. This is done at Points of Interconnection (POIs). A POI can be at any Core switch or, in some circumstances, at a DLE.
An OLO is not required to connect to every core switch. Instead, BT will route calls through the network to a convenient POI. While payment arrangements vary, the most common situation is that BT charges the OLO a transit fee for the call. This fee depends on the length of the call, the time of day, and the amount of the BT network that the call uses. For this purpose the most efficient path through the network is selected and the call is divided into one of a few classes:
          connected at the appropriate DLE (inter-DLE links are not used);
          single core;
          double core, further divided into "short", "medium", or "long"; every                possible pair of core that could process the call is examined, and the shortest distance is used to determine the classification.
 The PSTN is not a fully meshed network with every operator connected to every other - that would be both impractical and inefficient. Therefore calls may be routed through intermediate operator networks before they reach their final destination. One of the major problems in PSTN routing is determining how to route this call in the most cost effective and timely manner.
Each time a call is placed for routing, the desination number  (also known as the called party) is entered by the calling party into their terminal. The destination number generally has two parts, a prefix which generally identifies the geographical location of the destination telephone, and a number unique within that prefix that determines the specific destination end. Sometimes if the call is between two customers in the same local area (that is, both customers are on the same telephone exchange, then the prefix may be omitted.
 When a call is received by an exchange, there are two treatments that may be applied:
          Either the destination customer is directly connected to that exchange, in which case the call is placed down that connection and the destination customer’s phone rings.
          Or the call must be placed to one of the neighbouring exchanges through a connecting trunk for onward routing
 Each exchange in the chain uses pre-calulated routing tables to determine which connected exchange the onward call should be routed to. There may be several alternative routes to any given destination, and the exchange can select dynamically between these in the event of link failure or congestion (see choice and proportional routing above)
The routing tables are generated centrally based on the known topology of the network, the numbering plan and analysis of traffic data. These are then downloaded to each exchange switch. Because of the hierarchical nature of the numbering plan, and its geographical basis, most calls can be routed based only on their prefix using these routing tables.
 Some calls however cannot be routed on the basis of prefix alone, for example non-geographic numbers such as freephone numbers. In these cases they hit the intelligent network which supplies a translation which can be a PSTN number or a service address code.
In determining routing plans, special attention is paid for example to ensure that two routes do not mutually overflow to each other, otherwise congestion will cause a destination to be completely blocked.
According to BRAESS’S PARADOX the addition of a new, shorter, and lower cost route can lead to an increase overall congestion. The network planner must take this into account when designing routing paths.
One approach to routing involves the use of Dynamic Alternative Routing (DAR). DAR makes use of the distributed nature of a telecommunications network and its inherent randomness to dynamically determine optimal routing paths. This method generates a distributed, random, parallel computing platform that minimises congestion across the network, and is able to adapt to take changing traffic patterns and demands into account.
 Braess's paradox, credited to the mathematician Dietrich Braess states that adding extra capacity to a network when the moving entities selfishly choose their route, can in some cases reduce overall performance. The paradox is stated as follows: "For each point of a road network, let there be given the number of cars starting from it, and the destination of the cars. Under these conditions one wishes to estimate the distribution of traffic flow. Whether one street is preferable to another depends not only on the quality of the road, but also on the density of the flow. If every driver takes the path that looks most favourable to him, the resultant running times need not be minimal. Furthermore, it is indicated by an example that an extension of the road network may cause a redistribution of the traffic that results in longer individual running times."
 Finally, there are a number of special switches. The most important of these are the 26 Advanced Services Units (ASUs) which are Nortel DMS100 (or DMS10) switches used to implement things like FeatureNet. These are allocated various number ranges that don't necessarily match their physical location.
 Each Core Network switch has a name, which usually includes the location of the switch. In addition, the DMSUs and WATs have names based on local themes, while the NGSs are named after minerals, precious metals, and precious and semi-precious stones, and the ASUs after mythological and astronomical features.

Monday, 27 May 2013

Megadeth's Th1rt3en

Megadeth was founded over 30 years ago in Los Angeles by Dave Mustaine and Dave Ellefson. They are one of the big 4 thrash metal bands which also include Metallica, Slayer and Anthrax. Megadeth have sold over 50 million records worldwide. Their recurring lyrical themes including politics, war, addiction, personal relationships, and religion. One of my favorite Megadeth albums is  Th1rt3en which was released in 2011 and fittingly, the quartet’s 13th CD. Whilst some critics would like to reflect on past glories, it is time to move on. Let's face it, if any band keeps churning out the same stuff it just becomes monotonous. The album could be seen as a return to form and includes new tracks and updated versions of old demos. `Sudden Death' harks back to technical trash riffage and can also be found on the 2010 Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock game.
Received my ticket...I am like a big

Megadeth will be playing in Glasgow next week on tuesday the 4th June, I shall of course be there driving through straight after my work, the next day I will be back to Glasgow the see Scott Ian from Anthrax talk about his life and times so that is going to me a heavy two days next week!!!

Little feathered Houdini

African Greys are quite renowned for their ability to escape from cages.  The Cage I have for Rocky has 3 access doors to remove his dishes when changing his seeds, water and fruit and veg.  The doors have a “lift and slide” mechanism which I thought was fool proof and impossible for Rocky boy to open from inside his cage but I was wrong. My little Houdini managed it, squeezed out and before I knew it he was perched of my shoulder all proud of himself as I sat working at my laptop!! Lucky I was in the same room at the time and never had any windows open or he could have been up, up and away.
I have now purchased 3 tiny padlocks to secure these access doors and have had a stern word with Rocky regarding this exploits in getting out to explore, he never ceases to amaze me with his intelligence.
I am an Eagle!!!

**Update 02/06/2013**
The escape attempt continues....
Let me out now!!!!

Friday, 24 May 2013

Hunger strike

Well so far my feathered friend has not taken well to his conversion from a diet that comprised mostly of nuts and seeds to one which is mostly pellets (see earlier post) Rocky the African Grey is now on a hunger strike!!! early days yet but deciding to mix the pellets with someVitakraft's Nature's Dinner which has Cereals, Seeds, Raspberries, Minerals, Parsley, Banana Chips, Gingko, Rose Hip Pods and NO sunflower seeds!!! Looks so good I may just have a bowl with some milk for myself tomorrow too!!!
Note to self, must change my text alert sound as Rocky now mimics it to a tee!!

Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers (season 1 as bought from Amazon imported from USA on NTSC) is an animated sitcom which centers on the Belcher family who run a hamburger shop.
Modeled by my beautiful assistant Rocky
This show originally was on Fox in the states along with Family Guy, The Simpson, American Dad and so on. And that's the kind of level we're talking here. If you like those shows then this more than holds it's own
The opening sequence begins with a burger, after which the Belcher family appears, with their restaurant sporting a "Grand Opening" sign in the background. The restaurant is then shown being damaged in a series of incidents (a fire, an encounter with a fallen  pole, an invasion of rats), each time returning with a sign announcing the "Grand Re-Opening", "Grand Re-Re-Opening", and so on. Finally, the view zooms in to the "Bob's Burgers" sign/logo and fades into the start of the episode.

Bobs burgers is fun in my opinion and much enjoyed with a couple of drinks and late at night with a double cheese burger :-)


Let me introduce you to my 11 year old Chinchilla called Buzz...

Chinchillas have many characteristics that make them great pets. However, they are not suited for everyone. I do not suggest them for children because they are small and fragile and if they are squeezed too tight - they will bite. I prefer them to all other rodents because of their lack of unpleasant smell and unusually long life spans.

Here are some facts about Chinchillas
  • Fact 1 - Definition: Chinchillas are crepuscular rodents, native to the Andes mountains in South America which belong to the family Chinchillidae. It is remarkable for its fine fur, which is very soft and of a pearly gray color (I love hugging wee Buzzy)
  • Fact 2 - Crepuscular is a term used to describe some animals that are primarily active during twilight, that is at dawn and at dusk
  • Fact 3 - Chinchillas grow teeth almost continuously, throughout their lifetime
  • Fact 4 - The Chinchilla has the softest fur in the world
  • Fact 5 - The Chinchilla can jump up to 5 feet above their head
  • Fact 6 - Chinchillas can spontaneously release a patch of fur to escape the clutches of a predator
  • Fact 7 - A female chinchilla breeds twice a year
  • Fact 8 - Chinchilla stats and facts
    • Weight: 400-500 grams
    • Length: 10-14 inches
    • Height: 5-6 inches
    • Habitat: Burrows or crevices in rocks
    • Lifespan: 10 -15 years (Buzz is now 11 and in good health)
    • Diet: the Chinchilla eats seeds, fruit, grass, small insects, frogs and bark
  • Fact 9 - The predators of chinchillas include birds of prey, skunks, cats, large birds (not african grey parrots so far) , snakes and dogs
  • Fact 10 - Because chinchillas are so small, it takes between 100 and 200 animals to make one fur coat
  • Fact 11 - The chinchillas birth weight is 35 grams or more with an average of 2 kits per litter
  • Fact 12 - The Chinchilla come in a variety of colors including white, black, beige, standard grey, sapphire and violet
  • Fact 13 - The Chinchilla bathes in dust rather than water
  • Fact 14 - The eyes of the Chinchilla are typically dark or ruby red in color
  • Fact 15 - The collective name for a group is a Colony
  • Fact 16 - Males are called Male (Buzz is a Male)
  • Fact 17 - Females are called Female
  • Fact 18 - The names given to babies are kits
  • Fact 19 - Many people keep chinchillas as pets - they do not have fleas!

"Rocky wants a ...Pellet"

Rocky my African Grey parrot and companion has just turned 1 year old...Happy Birthday Rocky boy!!!
Currently I am feeding him a range of nuts, seeds, green veg and fruit supplemented by daily essentials 3 and Calcivet calcium supplement with vitamin D3. Rocky can be quite a fussy eated and tends to pick the seeds out the mix he likes the most which is usually sunflower seeds which are very fatty and can cause liver problems in parrots if eaten in excess so I am trying to "ween" him onto a  All-in-one' composition pellet which breeders recommend for a balanced diet. He will still get his nuts and seeds in a reduced quantity and of course the fruit and veg will still be there.
The pellet I have choosen is Beaphar's care plus...

Made from ingredients which are more than 95% organic and cold pressed in to pellets for Grey Parrots to enjoy. The ingredients (over 25 of them) are not heated to ensure they retain the natural nutritional values.
A complete diet such as Beaphar Care+ for African Grey Parrots offers better value as there is very little to no waste created, unlike with seed diets where shells and husk, plus unfavoured food is discarded.
Vegetables, fruits and pulse crops are naturally full of vitamins and minerals and all have been used to create these pellets. 

Well lets see how Rocky boy gets on and I shall update on the progress, fingers and claws crossed all will go well :-)

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Chocolate Fountain....madness!!!!!

Do I look sober?
A brilliant chocolate wonder popped up in, or should I say flowed down on, the catering scene about 15 years ago and has since revolutionized the way that people enjoy chocolate socially; the illustrious Chocolate Fountain! This stainless steel marvel of melted chocolate and dipping goodies has taken the stress out of trying to throw a good party, whether big or small. You no longer need to have the best entertainment or the most beautiful decorations or even be a very dynamic host, all you need is a chocolate fountain and some yummy tidbits to dip in it and you will be a hit!...FU*K NO.... dont believe the hype..when a gaggle (is that the collective term?) of engineers get pi*sed on champagne in London literally on the top of the world on the revolving BT tower a "eat & drink all you can but still be diplomatic" may seem a bad idea....put a chocolate fountain on the scene and its a disaster waiting to happen!!!! 
But lets talk about Chocolate fountains....
My understanding of where the chocolate fountain came from is that it is a cross breading of two successful ideas, the champagne fountain and the fondue pot

Now engineer's are reknowned for their ingenuity so why stop at chocolate....why not a ketchup fountain.....

OK....this blog entry is going no where fast, time to finish...anyway..I am getting kinda hungry now!!!

Guns N' Roses 2012 Glasgow

Last year I was fortunate to see Guns'N Roses live with a friend at the SECC in Glasgow, and they were great!!! Supported by Thin Lizzy...wonderful.
After squeezing, fighting and pushing our way to the front it was a night I would never forget, Axle has quite a reputation but he was the pro when getting his photo taken, even giving a thumbs up.
 OK, admittedly this was not the original line up as was missing Slash and co but I thought Ashba, Bumblefoot and Fortus were amazing and full of personality and they did a super 2 hour set with Thin Lizzy also doing an hour in was a great night!!!
Bumblefoot on his double-necked Vigier and DJ Ashba sharing duties on lead guitar.
Axl jiving around ageless in aviator shades and jewellery, and when he roars, “I wanna hear you scream” before cocking an ear towards the bouncing Glasgow crowd, they reply with vigour and he vanishes into the wings for a much-needed hit of oxygen, at one point appears with leggy blond big busted models just off stage left...this is ROCK AND ROLL!!!


Veronika decides to die

I have just recently finished reading for the second time this novel from internationally acclaimed author Paulo Coelho (brazilian) and its never lost its appeal.

"a dramatic story of love, life and death that shows us all why every second of our existence is a choice we all make between living and dying.
Veronika has everything she could wish for. She is young and pretty, has plenty of boyfriends, a steady job, a loving family. Yet she is not happy; something is lacking in her life, and one morning she decides to die. She takes an overdose of sleeping pills, only to wake up some time later in the local hospital. There she is told that her heart is damaged and she has only a few days to live.
The story follows Veronika through these intense days as to her surprise she finds herself experiencing feelings she has never really felt before. Against all odds she finds herself falling in love and even wanting to live again"

After reading this book you just want to stop complaining and grab life with both hands and just go for it!!!!!
Thought provoking material indeed!!
This book is very educating to what we're surrounded by in every day life. I enjoyed the depth of this book. Really makes you think in a different light towards people in general and how sometimes one little mistake or doing something you regret can lead to unhappiness but then how to resolve that mistake to lead to happiness, its never to late to learn and put our pride aside, this book can change your life if you allow. Much os Coehlo's work has been based on his personal struggle to discover a religious path in an oppressive world, I really recommend you read this book...puts things in persepective!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Sweet Science of Boxing

Boxing, pugilism or prize fighting, whatever you want to call it…I love this sport, you can keep your martial arts, your MMA, your Kickboxing, your Cage Fighting and wrestling…when it comes to conditioning nothing beats the sweet science of Boxing IMHO. Put the best boxer against any other fighter and the boxer will be victorious in my honest opinion. I can always remember the first time a respected MMA practitioner came to our boxing club. Must have been near 20 years ago, Jack the boxing coach put him is the ring to spar with a seasoned boxer and Mr MMA soon was on his arse and this was with 18oz sparing gloves. I accept MMA would call the shots on ground work it the rumble hit the floor but they have no answer to combinations from all angles (punches in bunches) Watch a kick boxer, sure they look great with the knees and fancy roundhouses but their punching takes a lot to be desired and soon as a leg leaves the canvas they are vulnerable due to the lack of stability and no planted power. I can always remember a Kick Boxer working the doors as a bouncer. He did look the business, standing there was his white shirt and dickybow, stretching all the time, kicking high into empty space at a height higher than my head, he also put some “have a go” unruly punters down in convincing style but one evening he met a bit of a local hard nut who could punch and before he could lift his foot past knee height a right cross straight down the middle plopped him on his backside good style, his confidence crumbled after that and he never returned cause he was all “glamour” and no “guts” Don’t  misunderstand me, if you put a top of his game Royce Gracie in with an entry level  boxer when Gracie would win the shield but as far as like for like goes I will always place my money on a puncher over a kicker, brawler or wrestler.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t condone violence on any level but what I will say is if you want to get your son (or daughter) some self-defence then approach a boxing gym, not a boxercise class, a real spit and sawdust boxing gym if there are any left now. It’s not as glamorous as the other contact sports but it’s more effective. Not only do you learn how to throw your fists, where to hit and how to bob and weave but you also learn how to take a punch, move with it, compose yourself and counterpunch. Your fitness level increases as does your strength and confidence. The cost is minimum as you don’t need to pay out on fancy outfits. Of course some people don’t like a real boxing gym, the smell, the spitting and snorting in buckets, the blood and snort, the noises of pads and bags (and flesh) getting wacked with leather but nothing beats it, sitting on the ring apron awaiting your shot for some sparing, sweat dripping into your eyes and the mouth guards getting spat out, dusted down and “rammed” back in the gob again. The smell stays with you forever…god, I really do miss it so
There is no feeling on earth getting your hand raised by the ref in victory after a bout, you feel 10 feet tall and covered in hair, there is no worst feeling than losing, you just want to hide and you feel like a chunk of your manhood has been taken.  Win or lose, returning home, putting cream on the rope burns on your back (sliding against the ropes), the sore neck the next morning for the impact of the punches and all for a cheap trophy, maybe £80 or a little bit more in your pocket and a free meal…lol perhaps not the Mayweather pay deal or the Mirage in Vegas, more likely a working man’s club or a wine and dine at my humble level but it’s the pats on the back and offers of free drinks, little write up in the back pages of the local rag that makes you feel just like a champ!!!
I do miss it very much, I bought a pair of bag mitts, hand wraps, I am still pretty fit so thought I would give it a few rounds at the local gym just pounding the heavy bag but the speed and timing is no longer there, the left hook off the jab still hits the target to a satisfying whack and I can still make that “oosssh” noise when its thrown but I know it’s a young man’s game now and even a midlife crisis would never tempt me back for some sparing sessions. After by brief couple of rounds on the bag my wrists were sore, my knuckles skint even under the wraps and I was knackered…lol, I can do hard cardio for an hour but nothing compared to a few rounds pounding the leather.  If I could relive my life I would still have my time doing boxing, the wins, loses …all memories …now it’s just a little bit shadow boxing in my dressing gown before bed in front of the mirror….oppps, did I just admit to that


I have just finished watching season 1 of Plebs, admittedly not a huge feat as there are only 6 episodes. I first captured an episode by chance one evening watching TV at a friend’s house and thought “this looks good”, got the DVD on Blu-ray and instantly became a fan.
Plebs is a British television series that was broadcast on ITV2 firstly in March 2013 and recently released on DVD and Blu-ray, I would describe it as a mix between The inbetweeners and Blackadder, it follows the adventure of  Marcus and Stylax and their slave Grumio who is played excellently by Ryan Sampson. I really hope they make a season 2, fingers crossed.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Gardening at Casa Savage

That’s one of the joys of blogging, you can write about any topic you choose, no matter how mundane and boring it may seem so

this is my entry about cutting the grass in my garden today.

Well it’s my week off!! I am a double day shift worker, I work two weeks Monday to Friday day shifts then followed by a week of backshifts Monday to Saturday then that’s me off for a whole week so today being a sunny Tuesday I decided to cut my grass for the first time this year, it is already over ankle deep so I decided to take the plunge literally and figuratively with my orange coloured flymo. Two hours later after lots of shoving and raking the lawn is now cut!!!! I little bit patchy under were the trampoline sat unmoved for about 6 months but that’s only to be expected and I shall learn from that mistake (and get some seeds to recover that part)
I turfed  and fenced the entire garden a couple of years ago, planted fruit trees around it and built a shed and a raised decking for my little boy’s swing.  Today I closely inspected the trees, I have 4 apple trees, 2 cherry trees, 4 pear trees, 2 apricot trees and 2 peach.  One of the pear trees is thriving which is terrific and surprising as it was the cheapest of the bunch, a runt of the litter so to speak but its over 10 feet high now, one of the cherry trees looks dead, no growth or leaves so that’s going to have to be replaced, the other one is self propagating so should not present a problem. Perhaps I will try training some raspberry bushes up the fence this year, I also have some bird, bee and ladybird houses to nail up. A little hedgehog shelter too.
It was nice working in the garden, actually got a bit sun on my skin, if this nice weather holds up perhaps have a barbeque this weekend, get the gazebo up, Rocky the parrot out in his little cage and maybe camp out for the night with Sam….perhaps I am getting carried away now…it will starting pis*ing down rain in a couple of days and my Bear Grilis plans of garden camping and survival  will need to be postponed…  ah well, it’s the thought that matters…talking of which…perhaps a water feature project…………….nah

Day One (introductions)

Well, here is my attempt blogging my thoughts and opinions...dont expect anything ground breaking, I will attempt to be as honest as possible and any views are me own and please be patient with me as I am learning as I go along. Today is the 21st of May 2013, last weekend I turned 41 (11th may) I live in Falkirk, I have a son called Sam who is 9 years old, I love him to bits as most parents love their children, he is my little pride and joy and nothing I ever do in my life will ever trump the day I became a father to this little man. I work for BT Operate, been there 16 years now and expect to be there another 29 :-( unless my lucky numbers come up. Previous jobs in chronological order are...pain is the arse child to my loving Mom and Da, paper round, YTS first as a trainee diesel mechanic (18 months) then warehouse work (6 months), very brief spell working in a gym and studying sports nutrition, rejection technician ( was being a bouncer for 8 years) in various places which ran concurrent with other little adventures such as Boxer, joined a rugby team so I could use there hills to run up and down (and drink in their club), tarring the roads (good money for a teen) and GCS (Guthrie created systems IT) also going to college to get my tech drawing, mathes highers re-sit and electronics. (also attempted to be a millionaire playboy without the millions but that never worked out) started with BT at 25 lowest and got my TO position within the first 2 years after saying the right answers to the questions posed.
I am a huge reader..Iain Banks, Stephen King, Carl Sagan, John Irving, Paulo Coelho, J.M. Coetzee, Paul Auster..I could go on and on, I also like poetry from such names as Pablo Neruda, Rudyard Kipling, William Blake, Tennyson and Dante Alighieri (translated)
My music tastes are very varied and dont follow on genre, I love metal such as Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Megadeth, Black Sabbath, Guns'n roses, but also Elton John and Cold Play, I listen to classical too and love Chopin, I am no expert but know what I like.
Pets, I have a 11 year old Chinchilla (Buzz) and an African Grey parrot called Rocky who has just turned one year old. I have kept a aviary when I was younger and bred finches and Java Sparrows. I have also kept tropical fish and one day hope to have a "huge" marine coral tank with fish, anemones and various corals. I love seahorses although dont think I will every be specialised enough to be able to keep them. As a child I wanted to be a marine biologist and read books front to back on the subject, even was a sea cadet so I could get my able bodied seaman certified titled which I have (had, unsure if it expires)
but although I went to the Naval training school at HMS Raleigh at 13(sea cadets diddy course) then later at 18 I had never any intentions to make a career out of the Navy (military life is just not for me, done a brief spell in the Army Cadets too) did enjoy the  rifle ranges (everyone wants to shot a rifle) and a sinking ship simulator (I swear that flashbang still effects my hearing) and the yachting.
Movies I love, I have a romance with these old black and white movies with James Stewart and James Cagney. I am a HUGE fan of Hitchcock and as far as I am concerned Tippi Hedren (The Birds) was the most beautiful woman ever to grace the screen, Monroes and Hepburn just dont measure up to her. I have all the old black and white twilight zones presented by Rod Seling (have all the "new" ones too) and all the Outer Limits, Tales from the Darkside and tales of the unexpected, I can be a Geek with the best of them (yes I do have Star Trek and BattleStar Gallactica too)
I love going to the gym, I no longer spar or throw my fists as pads or a bag but I can still do the fancy skipping (maybe a bit slower and clumser now) I run on the treadmill and concept rower and focus more on cardio keeping my heart healthy, I do some weights to keep muscle mass and I get older to keep my metabolisim fired up and work hard on core moments (although no longer squat as these rugby hill runs with ankle weights and backpack built my legs up enough) When I was early 20's I was ranked 6th in the world for 2500 meters indoor rowing on the concept 2 :-) considering Matthew Pinsent and James Cracknell were above me thats not too shameful.
I have not traveled much of Europe but I have seen South American (Brazil 4 times, Argentina once and Paraguay once) also Canada. I would like to travel more, see Asia and a lot of places in Rome are on my "bucket list"
Well I do have much more to say but guess this is a good enough intro, a lot of ego displayed here so hope I can balance this out some later by describing my "Mr Bean" moments and epic

Dearn Savage 21/05/2013 22:54